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Most importantly, you accept the absolute right of others to believe as they do. So Christians accept the absolute right of Muslims or Hindus to believe as they do, just as Muslims accept the absolute right of Hindus, Christians and others to believe as they do. Even members of various Christian denominations would accept the right of the members of other denominations to believe and live as they do. And, likewise, Sunnis and Shi'ites would accept each other's rights to live and believe as they do.

A collorary of this, and one that many find very hard to adhere to, is that religious people should not belligerently seek to convert members of other faiths. Members of all faiths should accept the rights of people, even women, to leave the faith, in the same way as they accept people who join their faith.

If people of faith accept intermarriage among all faiths and without the need of either party, man or woman, to convert to or from any faith, then much will have been achieved in solving conflict in religion.

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11mo ago

Solving conflicts in religion requires open dialogue, empathy, and respect for divergent beliefs. Encouraging interfaith dialogue and promoting understanding can help build bridges and find common ground. It's important to focus on shared values and principles, while acknowledging and appreciating the diversity within religious practices and beliefs.

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