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jesu l'oba

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Q: How do you say Jesus Christ is lord in Yoruba?
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Can you say Jesus Almighty Name?

Yes. Lord Jesus Christ.

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Unless "Christ Jesus your Lord" is some regional dialect I'm unfamiliar with, I think you just did.

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A common response to "The Gospel of the Lord" is "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ."

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I would say it is the Book of Isaiah. It has many topics and verses about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Why do we say Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ?

Christians tend to have Jesus Christ in high regard. They consider Him the Son of God, and usually believe that there is no other person like Him.

What does it mean to Confess Jesus Is Lord?

To confess Jesus Christ as Lord is simply as it says; to confess that Jesus IS in fact LORD! It doesn't say "if you MAKE Jesus Lord", but rather it says "confess that Jesus IS LORD". Many Arminians, but even some Calvinists seem to believe that Jesus must be made Lord of one's life, but the truth of the matter is that He is Lord over all, and we are to submit to His Lordship.

When the priest reads the Gospel at Mass he says 'This is the Gospel of the Lord' then what is your response?

After the priest say "This is the gospel of the lord" the congregation says "Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ"

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The Bible doesn't say the criminals' names. There were two, but at the end of one of the criminal's life, he believed that Jesus was Lord and he went to Heaven with Jesus.

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The condemned are not forbidden to say Jesus Christ. On the contrary, the Bible says: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2.10,11)

How do you say May our Lord Jesus Christ be always your strength and your guide?

Exactly as your question has asked. "May our Lord Jesus Christ be always your strength and your guide" There is no need to change it as it cannot be said any better in any other language of phrasing. It is perfectly acceptable.