tekhiya (תחיה) This is a tricky word. The kh is a gutteral sound. If you pronounce it like a k, it becomes the word for "trumpet blast" (tekiya). If you pronounce it like an h, it becomes the word for "amazement" (tehiya).
"Resurrection" is the word that means to return from the dead.
«How do you pronounce [word]»
The other name for resurrection is the word EASTER.
"How do you pronounce the word ion?" The word 'ion' is pronounced i-on(I-oN)
pronounce the word as you see it - bet.
The prefix of the word "pronounce" is "pro-".
The base word of "pronouncement" is "pronounce."
You pronounce the word 'Kelvin' ak KEL-VIN
How do you pronounce the Native American word techihhlia?
AL sadaca is how you pronounce the Arabic word الصدق