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Before prayng namaaz you have to be clean and it is fardh (compulsory to have wudhu. Without wudhu namaaz will not be accepted by Allah. Nammaz should be prayed with clean clohtes and in a clean place. Your body should also be covered and you should also face the Qiblah:Makkah where the Kabah is situated. Below is the namaaz insructed for MEN only.

  1. First You need to make Niyyat (intention) on praying namaaz. Without niyyat namaaz will not be accepted by Allah.
  2. Second you say Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) and raise your palms up to the ear lobes (but don't touch it).Then place your right hand over your left hand and place then betwen your navel and your waist. After that say Thannah.
  3. Thirdly you have to read Taawouz and then Tasmiyyah (Bismillah). After, read Suratul Fatihah. After softly read Aameen. After read any verse from the quraan. After finishing this proceed to Ruku (bowing).
  4. When proceeding into ruku, your back has to be 90 degrees and place your palms on your kness and spread your fingers and read Tasbeeh 3a times. After proceed to Qaumah (standing up).
  5. When standing up read Samiallah~hulimanhamidah. Then read Rabanah~huwalaqalhamd. Then proceed to Sajdah.
  6. When proceeding to sajdah first you go down to your knees then place you palms then your forhead then your nose (the forehead and nose must be touching the prayer mat) Also your feet should be touching each other. Then read Tasbeeh 3 times. Then sit up. Then proceed to the 2nd sajdah and follow the procedures of the 1st sajdah. Then stand up again for the 2nd rakaat.
  7. The 2nd rakkat is the same as the 1st rakaat but the verse after Surah Fatihah should be after the verse on the 1st rakaat. e.g If you read Surah Kauthar on the 1st rakaat, on the 2nd raaat you have to read something after it.
  8. Then go into the 2nd rukuh and follow the procedures of the 1st rukuh.
  9. Then proceed again to sajdah ad follow the procedurs of the 1st rakaat's sajdah.
  10. After the 2nd sajdah sit up again and this read Tashahud. When saying AshaduAllahillaha~illalahu you should raise up your index finger. After this read Durood-e-Ibraheem. And then after that read Dua-e-Mathoora. After finishing this say sallam softly first to the right of and then to the left. This is 2 rakaats finished.
  11. For the 3rd and 4th rakaats you should stand up after reading Tashahud and read Surah Fatihah in the 3rd and 4th rakaats and follow the same procedures for finishing namaaz on the last rakaat.
  12. For 3 rakaat salahs the third rakaat you should read it the same as the last rakkat of 4 and 2 rakkat salahs.
  13. For witr salah on the last rakaat after Surah Fatihah read another verse and after that say takbeer and raise your hands to the earlobes and put your right hand over the left handand place them between your navel and your waist. Then read Dua-e-Qunoot and then follow the procedures of the last rakaat.

Other rules for namaaz:

  1. Your feet have to be apart for 4 fingers. Your both foot has to face the Qiblah. Your foot has to be straight and it cannot be bent.
  2. You cannot look look sideways or upwards you can't even move your eyes. If this is ommited your namaaz will be broken.
  3. You cannot talk either or laugh. If you laugh your wudhu will be broken.
  4. You cannot make any excessive movement e.g nudging.
  5. If you happen to have a phone and it rings turn it of quickly without looking at it and making a fuss.
  6. You cannot pass wind in namaaz or your wudhu will be broken.
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13y ago

well 1st u got 2 be a Muslim and 2nd of all u got 2 at least know the fattah and the rest your just gonna have 2 figure it out

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Q: How do you pray salat?
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if you mean (salat algmaa ) = Congregational Prayer and It is better for you more than pray alone 27 once