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Perhaps you are a person who believes in curses; and if you do, then you are probably very worried if you think you have been cursed. The good news is there are no such thing as curses. They are beliefs, often based on fear or guilt, and sometimes encouraged by certain cultures. If you were told by someone that you are cursed, I can assure you that this is not true. Even if you are having bad luck in your life, that is temporary, and it can change; but curses have nothing to do with it.

What helps to change bad luck is to make a plan, and to surround yourself with people who want to see good things happen for you. If you want to ask God to help you, I would recommend asking Him for self-confidence and the ability to break away from fear. Since there are no such thing as curses, He cannot break one for you, but He can help you gain the strength to move forward in a more positive direction.

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Q: How do you pray asking God to break a curse?
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