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It is IMPERATIVE that you read and study God's word, The Bible everyday,if possible. You must get to know your Lord and this is the proven way. Even if you feel that it is a chore and boring, just make yourself read a little and God will begain speaking to you and you will find it addicting.

answerGet know God, developing a relationship with God, Prayer

A bible study, with Jehovah Witnesses they care about people, or just have come visit and talk if you do not time the to study. But if you wanted to study you ask to come even in the middle of night, plus they to answers people questions that concern the.-It makes their day to help, and could make yours. The meetings at the kingdom are not rituals, they are study programs. is official site, has official podcasts . The meetings are free to enter and attend, and personal study programs are also free is all run off God's holy spirit aloong with volunteer motivate by holy spirit. and you could ask for study aids, as maps (also they give good maps free) if you like. And if you like ask them a new world translation reference bible, empasize reference. Articles as readers ask, and questions from reader, are always insightful.


I am not sure I agree that it helps faith to do Bible study with Jehovah Witnesses. I don't think the question is about joining this or that group. In any case you need to carefully find out what any group believes about the Lord Jesus Christ before joining them. "Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God" 1 John 4:15 I am not sure that Jehovah Witnesses believe this. Back to the question - To strengthen our Christian faith we must first deepen our knowledge of God by reading the bible. There are many bible study guides you can buy from a Christian bookshop. Next you must pray about everything; your needs, struggles and all. There is no formula to praying it is a simple conversation with God. Thirdly you must meet with fellow Christians and live out your Christian life by caring for others but it all starts with becoming a Christian. To become a Christian you must acknowledge that you are a sinner incapable of helping yourself, you must confess your sins and turn your back on them. Finally you must ask Jesus to take over your life as Lord. This means that from this moment you relinquish control of your life and allow your life to be guided solely by Gods word - the bible. This will do it. Maranatha

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16y ago

You can become a better Christian by spreading Gods word. Also by not sinning, not giving into temptation, and helping whenever you can. You will also need to follow each of the 10 commandments.

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14y ago

Christianity cannot be practiced because it is not a religion; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Following Christ means submitting to His will, walking by His Holy Spirit, reading and applying His Word to your life. It also means repenting of your sins and trying not to sin as much as possible. The reason it's not a practice is because God already did the work by sending Christ to die on the cross and raising Him from the dead. All we as humans have to do is repent, accept His death as full atonement for all of our sins past, present, and future, and follow Him.

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14y ago

by obeying the laws of God. That's all he asks of you! it's all in the bible; don't rely on a website where anybody can post anything, to answer questions about your faith.

I could say 'you are truly a faithful christian once you've hugged a giraffe!' but yeah, the bible covers all of that.

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