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It might be easier to answer this by asking: "What is the mark of God?" Whatever God's mark is... then, whatever is its satanic "counterfeit" in the world becomes the mark of the Beast.

First, the Beast is identified in the Bible as "man's governments." This is the system of government under which this present disfunctioning world is ruled, that came down to our generation from the four main world-ruling empires: Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. The customs, traditions, holidays and much of the architecture of these empires are still very much a part of our daily lives.

The Bible symbolizes man's governments as "beastly." Daniel's seventh chapter reveals his dream of these four government empires... of which the fourth troubled him, as not being recognizable, as the first three, as being any known animal in God's creation.

"These great beasts, which are four, are FOUR KINGS, which shall ARISE OUT OF THE EARTH [from among men]. But the saints of the Most High shall take the Kingdom, and possess the Kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

"Then I would know the Truth of the FOURTH BEAST, which was DIVERSE from all the others, EXCEEDING DREADFUL, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass; which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet..." (Dan.7:17-19)

Daniel's "dream" is an Old Testament testimony to the "GOSPEL [good news] of the Kingdom of God." A testimony to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to earth with the Kingdom.

Daniel's fourth Beast [Roman Rule] reemerges in the book of Revelation [which is a showcase of the end time events that lead up to Jesus' return]. John sees in his dream a Beast that has characteristic traits of the first three empires: lion [Babylon], bear [Persia], and leopard [Greece] -- (Rev.13:2; see Dan.7:4-6).

We're talking about a return to "state worship"... the ancient combination of "church and state" that world-ruling empires have displayed down through the centuries. With Rome and the Roman church coming back into end time power... with absolute authority to "cause the whole world to worship the Beast."

The Bible refers to these two men as the "Beast" and the "False Prophet," [who appears to the world as being "Christ-like": '...he had two horns like a lamb..." -- but whose words, teachings and actions are those of Satan: '...and he spake as a Dragon...' -- Rev.13:11; see also Rev.12:9].

The Bible tells us that this fourth "end time" Roman Beast will have a "mark, an image, and a number." So, it's not just a mark with which God's people must contend.

The Beast's number is "666" [Rev.13:18]. The Bible uses certain numbers as representative of certain meanings. The number "3" denote "utter finality." The number "7" denotes "perfection and completeness," as the creation was completed in seven days.

[for instance, the three sets of sevens in the book of Revelation; seven seals, seven trumpets and the last seven vial plagues of God's wrath poured out, combine to bring God's plan to its perfect, completeand utter conclusion... with the New Heaven and Earth setting up a New Beginning for the newly-born Family of God [and, no doubt, a "new plan" for His Family who have inherited the universe].

"...for the former things are passed away... Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these Words are True and Faithful. And He said unto me, IT IS DONE..." (Rev.21:4-6).

The number "666" is the number of A MAN[Rev.13:18]. It stands to reason, then, that the number "6" falls just short of "perfection" [7]... just short of "completion." [man is short of God's perfection and presently "incomplete"]

The Beast and his government, in other words, is "utterly carnal" -- against everything for which Christ stands.

As for the "image" of the Beast -- well -- what "religious establishment" connected with Daniel's fourth beast, the "Holy Roman Empire"... is known for its WORSHIP of IMAGES? Which is an utterly pagan practice expressly forbidden by God's law [see Commandment #2].

The "mark" or sign of the Beast, then, has to be a "counterfeit" of whatever the Bible says is "God's mark or sign."

A mark is something that "identifies" something. God tells us in His Word, that His sign identifies to the world WHO HIS PEOPLE ARE.

"Six days may work be done; but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, HOLY TO THE LORD : whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath thoughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.

"IT IS A SIGN between Me and the children of Israel FOR EVER : for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day He rested, and was refreshed." (Ex.31:15-17)

THERE is the "mark of God" -- HIS SABBATH DAY!

So, what is the "mark of the Beast" [the counterfeit of God's Sabbath]? What "day of rest" was established to replace God's sign by the "Christ-appearing religious establishment" that ruled over the Holy Roman Empire?

Here is what Halley's Bible Handbook says: "The Inquisition, called the "Holy Office," was instituted by Pope Innocent III, and perfected under the second following Pope, Gregory IX. It was the Church Court for Detection and Punishment of Heretics. Under it everyone was required to inform against Heretics. Anyone suspected was liable to Torture, without knowing the name of his accuser. The proceedings were secret. The Inquisitor pronounced sentence, and the victim was turned over to Civil Authorities to be Imprisoned for Life, or to be Burned...

"...In the period immediately following Pope Innocent III the Inquisition did its most deadly work against the Albigenses (see page 785), but also claimed vast multitudes of victims in Spain, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands.

"Later on the Inquisition was the main agency in the Papacy's effort to Crush the Reformation. It is stated that in the 30 years between 1540 and 1570 no fewer than 900,000 Protestants were put to death in the Pope's war for the extermination of the Waldenses (see page 785)." (Halley's Bible Handbook; pages 776-777)

These exterminated "Heretics" of the Inquisition [Albigenses, Waldenses]... were "SABBATH-KEEPERS"!

They knew what "God's mark" is... and refused to accept the "mark of the fourth Beast."

The "mark of the Beast" isn't an implanted "micro-chip" or a Social Security number or a credit card. It's a "spiritual mark" in one's "forehead" [the seat of intellect in the physical human brain]... and in one's "right hand" [the physical instrument with which men apply the efforts and end works that their minds and intellects have determined to do].

"...he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads..." (Rev.13:16).

The coming Beast will impose an end time "Inquisition"... commanding all to "worship its idolatrous image"... and to receive [accept] its "mark"... or be killed.

It sounds amazingly similar to the ancient Babylonian Beast, who imposed a state-sponsored "time and place of worship of his image" upon the people in Daniel 3.

The "mark of the Beast" can be "refused." It cannot be imposed on you against your will. The key is in "being aware of what it is." It's in knowing who the Lord God of the Old Testament was... and is... who commanded His "sign" to be observed by all the "children of Israel."

His name is Jesus Christ! He made all things [John 1:3]... which includes the "seventh day Holy Sabbath of the Divinely-inspired week that pictures a weekly reminder of CREATION" and that we were created [not evolved].

It's the "Lord's Sabbath" -- not mine or yours... or anyone else's. It's His mark that identifies His people.

And if you don't think it applies to faithful Christians because they aren't "children of Israel" [the seed of Abraham]:

"Know ye therefore that THEY WHICH ARE OF FAITH, the same ARE THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM." (Gal.3:7)

"And IF YE BE CHRIST's, THEN ARE YE ABRAHAM'S SEED [that is, children of Israel], and heirs according to the promise." (verse 29)

In order to know if you have "the mark of the Beast"... you first have to understand what that mark is. The Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding of the Word of God as to what God's identifying sign is, reveals the mark of the Beast.

Jesus Christ, who made all things, made His Sabbath on the seventh day: "...therefore the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath." (Mark 2:28)

And He made it His sign... His Mark... His Identifier. Any other worldly "false, counterfeit alleged sabbath" not sanctioned in God's Word is the mark of the Beast.

The Beast's mark is already in the foreheads and right hands of his people.

But God is calling out His people from the world... and seals His Truth, Wisdom and Understanding in their foreheads [the seat of human intellect], also.

"...Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." (Rev.7:3)

"...He which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; who hath also SEALED US, and given us the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts..." (II Cor.1:21-22).

"That we should be to the praise of His glory, who first trusted in Christ. In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the Word of Truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, YE WERE SEALED WITH THAT HOLY SPIRIT of promise." (Eph.1:12-13)

The majority of modern professing Christianity has "done away with God's law" in their hearts and minds. And in so doing... have done away with God's mark in their hearts and minds. They have ignorantly [without proof] accepted the Beast's mark.

God's Wisdom, Knowledge and Truth is not being administered by most of the modern professing Christian denominations. Even the Protestant denominations... for whatever reason they may have protested against the teachings of their "Mother Church"... they have not forsaken their Mother's commanded "mark"... which identifies them as belonging to HER and the Beast she straddles:

"...I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast, full of blasphemy... And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." (Rev.17:5)

The majority of the modern Christian world already has the mark of the Beast. The rest of the world is about to have it dictated to it.

Getting rid of the Beast's mark is a matter of understanding the Truth of God's Word... by His grace and calling. It's a matter of accepting His Truth into your "intellect" [your heart and mind] -- " renewed in the spirit of your mind..." (Eph.4:23) -- and applying that knowledge in your life... in the works you accomplish. It's a matter of choosing to obey God's Commandments.

The one in question, which is God's mark, says: "REMEMBER the Sabbath day to keep it Holy."

The vast majority of the world doesn't know about it... and professing Christians, who should be teaching it, don't know it, either.

As the Great Tribulation approaches... and the Beast and the False Prophet rise to power... it will be a matter of whose "mark" individuals will accept. And a matter of who will bow before the Beast's "life-like" image, and who won't.

"...he [the False Prophet] had power to give life unto the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed." (Rev.13:15)

Getting the mark of the Beast is easy. Just "believe" the words of modern mainstream professing Christianity.

Getting RID of the mark of the Beast is tougher, if you don't know what it is. Or if you do know -- and don't "believe" it.

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