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Meditation is one of four stages. The first is Attention. Once your attention settles on something the next stage is Concentration. When concentration reaches the point where you cease to be aware of any distractions, you are in Meditation. Meditating on anything puts you in touch with the Source of everything. Trying to understand the Source is the stage called Contemplation. The most important ingredient for meditating properly is to be properly motivated. This generation ought to be properly motivated by the fact that life on Earth is in real danger of going extinct from Global Warming and a host of other man-made calamities. After focusing your Attention on that Concentrate on putting the welfare of all sentient beings on Earth ahead of all other concerns. This mobilises your recources allowing you to literally "turn within". Now your ready to meditate. **************************************************************** There are many different meditation practices and techniques among Buddhists. One common technique which is shared by some Hindus, is called vipassana meditation and it calls for sitting quietly and concentrating single-mindedly on your breath. As you sit and pay attention to your breathing you notice that thoughts arise - like 'hey, what should I have for dinner?' - and in this technique you simply acknowledge that you are thinking, and then let go of the thought and pay attention to your breathing again. Other techniques involve visualizing the Buddha or some other person or object, or concentrating only on a single question or concept (analytical meditation). The technique is less important than the result, which is being able to concentrate single-pointedly, without being distracted.

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Where do buddihists meditate?

some meditate in monestrys some in a zendo or a place where they peacefully and seriously do meditation and some meditate in any place they want even in their home so you need not go anywhere to meditate you can meditate wherever you are however you are.

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The adverb form of "meditate" is "meditatively."

Can you use meditate in a sentence?

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How would you use the word meditate in a sentence?

To meditate is to consider or think over carefully, or generally spend time in quiet thinking. The related verb to contemplate has a connotation of thought on a subject or subjects.Example sentences:Catholics meditate on the mysteries when praying the rosary.Do you meditate during yoga?I need to sit down and meditate on my life's goals.Taking time to meditate can be helpful and relaxing.I meditate about God and life.(The noun form is meditation.)

Where do Muslims meditate?

First thing is that it is not compulsory to meditate in Islam but there is no such rule that Muslims should not meditate. Meditation can done at any place there is no specific place for meditation, You can meditate in home, work(when you are free), or any where else.

Is only Buddhist can medtitate?

This is not correct,anyone,anywhere can meditate. You just have to study on how to meditate.

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meditate the forms are: meditates meditated meditating

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Contemplate, reflect, ponder and muse are the other words for meditate.

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How do you meditate in meez?

To meditate, just say "Ommm." or "ommm" just an 'o' and three 'm's

Why do buddists meditate?

because they do and becvause they like to medeitate to fell better and they meditate at zen gardens