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To become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, a person first needs to take in knowledge of Bible truths - not just accepting them, but doing research and coming to clear understanding of such, and then applying them in your life. To do this, one needs to have a personal Bible study with a qualified minister of Jehovah's Witnesses. This is provided free of charge and at a convenient time and place for the student.

If you wish to have a personal Bible study, call your local Kingdom Hall and ask for one. Or, see Related Links.

During your study, you will learn about Jehovah God, his son, Jesus Christ, and about what is required to be a foot-step follower of Jesus Christ and a true Christian. There may be adjustments you will need to make to meet the standards set in The Bible. For example, you may have to give up certain habits that the Bible condemns such as lying, stealing, smoking, etc. The study will be conducted at your pace.

Once you reach a certain point in your spiritual growth, you will begin to pray often and read the Bible daily on your own. Soon, you will want to obey the command to attend meetings regularly and publicly preach the good news of God's kingdom.

As you progress, you will eventually see the need to make a personal dedication to Jehovah to do His will forever. This may take a few months, a few years, or only a few weeks. Once you reach that point, and have prayerfully made your personal dedication, you will let your teacher know that you wish to be baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

At this point, the elders will discuss the matter with you to make sure you have a correct understanding of basic Bible scriptures, that you are living your life in harmony with them, and that you fully understand what dedication and baptism imply. Only then will you qualify to be baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses at the next available time, which is usually at an assembly or convention.


One may also request a Bible study from any one of Jehovah's Witnesses who comes to your house or place of business in their regular door-to-door ministry work.


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11y ago
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11y ago

You'll need to learn the basic principles of the Bible. We teach in over 235 languages, because we find that people learn more quickly in their 'mother tongue'. [If you can't read, we will teach you]. Along with your Bible, we use a publication/workbook which thematically outlines the teachings of the Bible, along with quoted scriptures, to find out God's viewpoint, requirements, and promises for the Future. This Bible study will be held at your convenience and is free of cost.

***Most persons, after learning God's Will, our future, and the sinful practices He wants us to leave behind, want to start telling others what they've learned.

***When persons have made their minds over, they want to dedicate themselves to Jehovah God, and symbolize this by water baptism. Only then are they counted as one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

***Some appreciate what they learn and start attending our place of worship, the Kingdom Hall, where we continue to study the Bible as a large, spiritual family. We also have a ministry school where are all taught how to preach and teach strangers, to share with them the hope of God's Kingdom. All persons (of any denomination or belief) are welcome, including children. We all learn together. We take up no collections. We all share in the preaching and teaching work that Jesus Christ commanded us at Matthew 24:14--"And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come", and at Matthew 28:19,20.


The first thing you will want to do is to ask for a free home Bible study with one of Jehovah's Witnesses. You can request this by calling, writing, or visiting your local Kingdom Hall, or see Related Links.

Fill in the information and one of Jehovah's Witnesses will contact you, then a convenient time and place will be set up for your study, which will be done at your pace. Once you begin your study of the Bible, and put into practice what you are learning, other things should begin to fall into place.

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14y ago

If your question is how does one become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you find one and ask for a free home bible study. There is no monetary obligation on your part.

To find one of Jehovah's witnesses please visit the website, which is the official website of Jehovah's witnesses.

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13y ago

Hi, You cant just become a Jehovah witness just like that. In your phonebook, look u Jehovah witness and there should be a person with his phone number call him and ask for a study and tell him your house number and where you live.

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10y ago

First, one must be doing Jehovah's will, obeying his requirements, and so forth.

All those who do this from the heart and remain faithful will have eternal life.

A very few, Jehovah pours out his spirit upon, and they become "born again" or anointed with holy spirit.

So in short, if we do what Jehovah tells us to through the pages of the Bible, and do it for the right reasons, it is still up to him whether we would become one of the anointed or not.

And even if we are not of the anointed, and the majority are not, we still have the blessing of being one of his people forever right here on a paradise earth. (Matthew 5:5; Psalm 37:9-11, 29)


(Romans 8:14-17) For all who are led by God's spirit, these are God's sons. 15 For YOU did not receive a spirit of slavery causing fear again, but YOU received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: "ABBA, Father!" 16 The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God's children. 17 If, then, we are children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ, provided we suffer together that we may also be glorified together.

(Romans 9:6) However, it is not as though the word of God had failed. For not all who [spring] from Israel are really "Israel."

(Romans 9:16) So, then, it depends, not upon the one wishing nor upon the one running, but upon God, who has mercy.

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13y ago

Many people off ten realize what they say is totally bible based and eventually convert on their own free will. Also kids can be born into a family who are Jehovah's wittiness's but the babies are not baptised when they are born their parents will teach them about the bible they will also go to their kingdom hall( equivalency to like a church) and after a time period when that kid thinks they are ready they will talk to the elders be asked some questions and if they answer correct and corrected on some questions if needed they will be baptised if you are interested next time if one knocks on your door talk to them for Little bit they are truly good people

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12y ago

world wide we see jehovahs witnesses preaching about jehovah ad his son jesus christ and there will for mankind to gain everlasting life in a paradise earth. so u are free to request for a free home bible study.wit that u will get to know more about ur wonderful creator jehovah God and draw closer to him.after that u can nw think of preaching and associating with them in there meetings and then u can dedicate urself by water batisim .may jehovah help us al to serve him faithfully.

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11y ago

You study with someone who is already a baptized Jehovah's Witness. You feel it's the truth, teach it to others, and then you are ready for baptism.

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14y ago

We should be comming to your neighborhood. We have lots of territory to cover.You could also call a local congeration

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