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ok this is the same person.... i was really mad @ em ( had evry right to b - TRUST ME) but i nvr seriously ignore someone so now i feel kinda bad. i also found out that they might like me cuz one of my friends thinks so. (no guy evr liked me..) but i dont date/stuff like that bottom line- how do i stop givin him a cold shoulder and not look stupidd.....

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14y ago
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10y ago

by not hurting they're fellings you should answer when they ask you something like if they say "hey do you want to talk you seem so quiet "or like they want you to talk to them just say "i don't feel like it right now" then walk away

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13y ago

you would need to focus on something els and just tune them out even if there yelling your name out in your ear , basicly just leave them alone dont talk to them dont say anything , then they might stop since your not saying nothing to them. now if its like you trying to egnore your boy friend or girl friend then just turn your cell phone off , dont think about them , if it becomes physsical then tell an adult , if you are an adult then go tell the police if someone is trying to stalk you or find you , its quite simple , but it may be quite hard for some people it just simply depends what type of person you are.

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