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By following his teachings sincerely and willingly.

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Q: How do you give respect to Prophet SAW?
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Leader who taught to respect ones parents?

The last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). In fact, it is Almighty Allah who has several times commanded people to respect their parents. The holy Prophet (SAW) also commanded the Muslims to respect their parents even if they are Non-believers.

Prophet muahmmed and the walking quran?

Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the walking quran because Allah would send 10 ayahs with Angel Jibreel to the prophet and the prophet would give it to the sahabi. The sahabi would memorize it write it and live by the meanings. That means if it talks about praying right and doing good things they'd do it. The prophet Muhammad (saw) was a man of mercy and kindness and never disobeyed Allah. And to me the prophet Muhammad (saw) must have been the most amazing an in the world.

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in the house of aayisha siddiqa(r)(the wife of prophet saw)

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prophet muhammad saw

Who was god's final prophet according to Muslims?

Prophet Muhammad (saw) is the last and final prophet.

What is the title given to the wives of prophet saw?

It depends on the prophet in question.

What did non believers of makkah say to Prophet Muhammad saw?

Please be more specific, If you can give a certain event - then the question will be easier to answer.

What is sunnat in Islam?

The Sunnat is applied to the actions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) while Hadith is applied to the sayings of the holy Prophet (SAW)

How many dhoodh sharik brothers our prophet huzur saw had?

Prophet Muhammad saw had 3 doodh shreek brothers and 2 sisters .

What is the name of the Muslim final prophet?

The last and final God Prophet is Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)The last and the final Prophet is called Prophet Mohammad (SAW)

What is the name of the central prohet of Islam?

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Islam .

Who is the greatest of prophet Ismail's offspring?

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), the last Prophet of Islam.