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Put a sign on your door "No Proselytizers Allowed". I explain that since I have certainty of salvation through knowing Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God, they cannot offer me anything more but in fact are offering me somewhat less - a works-based salvation where I cannot be sure if I will be good enough to get to be one of the 144,000. I may also explain that since they are convinced that Jesus and Jehovah are not the same that they are against The Bible teaching and that I will not receive this.

The CORRECT answer would be to do one of the following:

1. - Put up a NO TRESPASSING sign. By the "law of the land" they can not come onto your property or you can have them arrested and it will stand up in court.

2. - Tell the JW to please put you down on their "Do Not Call" List. They will be happy to do so. Every few years they will stop to see if you still wish to remain on the list and which point you can tell them Yes if that is your desire, or if you have moved.

It's really not that hard and a no brainer!

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14y ago

As a Christian I welcome them. If I shut the door in their face then I feel that there is a wasted opportunity to tell them of the real love of God through Jesus. So, I listen to what they have to say, but I do make it clear at the start that if I listen to them then they should reciprocate the courtsey and listen to me.

It is a good thing that you know about your faith and gen up on not just the basics, but what actually makes you a Christian, to revisit the relationship that you have with Jesus and what God has done in your life. Don't be tempted to learn parrot-fashion many Bible references and get into arguments with JWs over the Bible. You will not win as they have been trained in all the stock passages and their bogus counterarguments - all of which you will find that they take out of context from their already skewed, mistranslated and biased 'New World' Translation. Don't forget that anyone can quote scripture - even the Devil did just that when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness! So don't be impressed if they can give chapter and verse for every occasion and you cannot. JWs are in danger of worshipping scripture as their 'god' whereas Christians put it in the right position under faith and love in God.

If the JWs realise that you are a committed Christian then they will eventually stop coming. But remember one thing: JWs are almost always in pairs - one 'experienced' and one not - who will be on hand to gauge your responses and find Bible passages. Don't forget to talk to both - it might lead to a discussion between them both when they leave your front door. They are often at least serious, or even seem downright miserable! So above all never get into arguments or respond to them unkindly. If they see that you, as a professed Christian, are aggressive or argumentative, what does that say about your faith? Much better to welcome them with a smile - say your piece, and let God's love shine through your face and words.

If they leave wondering what you have that makes you seem so blessed and 'different' perhaps, with prayer on your part, the Holy Spirit may work in their lives as well if they allowed him in.

Answer from a Jehovah's Witness

If you really want the Witnesses to stop calling at your home, all you must do is ask them to stop. They will make a note of your wishes so others will know what you asked, and will leave politely.

However, do not be surprised if, after some months or even years, they stop by again to check their records. It's just to make sure.

--Oh yes, and there is a chance of someone calling simply because of an error when reading the records. It's merely a mistake, not a malicious attempt to harass you when you have clearly stated that you do not want anymore visits.

As a Roman Catholic , I merely state that I familiarized myself with the basic tenets of their faith years ago, and decided being Catholic was all I would ever be, but thank them for their concern and wish them well in their efforts to bring the knowledge of Christ to the world. There is no reason to be rude. If you would rather not have them come back, just ask nicely for them not to. These are not salesmen . They are men of Faith and mean well. Please be kind.

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14y ago

There is no way of stooping them because I might be one myself. They go door to door to see if your interested in what they're doing. If you don't take it, it's alright. They're not telling you to switch churches or somewhat of that kind. You just need to be mindful of the fact that they what you to be curious out of your curiosity and ask questions.


If you really feel that strongly about it, you can inform the next witness that comes to your door that you would like them to stop coming to your door. That person will inform the Service Overseer in the congregation that has been asigned by the branch office to handle the territory that you live in. They will, in turn, make a note on the territory map card where you live that your address is a "Do Not Call." That will likely curb future calls, although there may be an occasional mistake, and someone might accidentally call, but that should be a minimum occurance. Also, from time to time, the congregation elders (usually once a year or so) may call to see if you have moved, or if you have had a change of heart.

Otherwise, if you put a "No Trespassing" sign in clear view, we are instructed by our organization to obey such a sign, and it should be obeyd by the witness publisher if they are following direction. Keep in mind that "No soliciting" signs do not apply to the work that Jehovah's Witnesses do. This has been established even in the US Supreme Court. We are not soliciting. It applies to people like Girl Scouts selling cookies, but it doesn't apply to Jehovah's Witnesses. We are not selling anything, so likely a "No Soliciting" sign will not keep witnesses from knocking at your door.

Furthermore, organizations like neighborhood associations DO NOT have the authority to pass ordanances to keep JW's out of neighborhoods or apartment complexes, per the US Supreme Court. Even towns do not have the right to pass ordanances restricting our work in any way, including requiring us to obtain a licence, or any other act that may be considered an attempt to curb our work. An individual home owner is the only one who has the right to dictate who comes to their own residence, or who doesn't. So the resident of that particular house is the ONLY one who can put up a sign, or make a rule to restrict access to their own residence only.

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13y ago

Ask for a bible study and listen to what they have to say.

Also, placing a 'No Trespassing' sign on your door should keep them from knocking.

One way is to simply ask the next Witness that visits you, not to be called on again. You will then be placed on a Do Not Call list. This will restrict Witnesses to calling on you once a year to determine if you still require them not to call.

The ''Kingdom Ministry'' pamphlet, published by Jehovah's Witnesses, June 1994,


How should matters be handled when a householder insists that Jehovah's Witnesses make no further calls at that home?

When we encounter a sign at the door that strictly prohibits calls of a religious nature and specifically mentions Jehovah's Witnesses, it may be best to respect the householder's wishes and avoid knocking.

Sometimes we come upon a sign prohibiting salesmen or solicitors. Since we are doing charitable religious work, that does not really apply to us. It would be appropriate to go ahead and knock at such doors. If the householder objects, we can tactfully explain why we feel that such signs do not apply in our case. If the householder then makes it clear that the prohibition includes Jehovah's Witnesses, we will respect his wishes.

When we are working the territory, a householder may become visibly upset and emphatically insist that we do not call again. If he refuses to reason on the matter, we should comply with this request. A dated note should be placed in the territory envelope so that publishers working the territory in the future will avoid calling at that address.

Such homes are not to be avoided indefinitely. The present occupants may move away. We may contact another family member who will respond favorably. There is also the possibility that the householder to whom we spoke will have a change of heart and become more agreeable to having us call. So after some time a tactful inquiry should be made of the occupants to determine their current feelings.

The territory file should be reviewed once a year, making a list of the homes where we have been advised not to call. Under the direction of the service overseer, some tactful, experienced publishers can be assigned to visit these homes.

It could be explained that we are calling to inquire if the same householder still lives there. The publisher should be familiar with the material in the Reasoning book, pages 15-24, entitled "How You Might Respond to Potential Conversation Stoppers." If there is a reasonable response, future calls can be made in the usual way.

If the householder continues to be antagonistic, no further calls should be made until the following year. The local body of elders can decide if the circumstances in a particular case make it advisable to handle things differently.''

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10y ago

You can stop them from coming to your door by either not answering it or by telling them very firmly that you are happy with your own religion and would rather that they not disturb you.


For those who actually know the Bible well, why not challenge them in significant conversation about the Scriptures? The quickest way to get a Jehovah Witness to "stop" visiting you is by obligating them to discuss their beliefs beyond the superficial. Even when done politely with humility, you'll probably be seen as an "opposer", and for fear of loosing their own convictions or defaming their organization somehow, they'll avoid talking with you altogether.

Witnesses don't like to speak for themselves or arrive to their own theological conclusions. It really doesn't matter what they claim - anything to the contrary is a bold face lie. They don't believe in the personal interpretation of Scripture and they only regurgitate what they've learned from the "Watchtower". So a hearty challenge to form their own conclusions on topics that undermine their doctrine will usually make the average Witness NEVER want come back. I'm not saying be rude, I'm saying be assertive and kind - especially if you're claiming to be "happy with your current religion".

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7y ago

What often works with those pushing a particular Christian belief is simply to say that you are not a Christian. This stops them dead in their tracks since they have only been trained to argue with people who believe in God.

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10y ago

Politely ask that they do not return.

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