

Best Answer

The Śrī Īśopaniṣad from the Vedas explain the answer to this. In particular, text 8.

Answer #2

Panentheists would say that everything is a manifestation (and therefore a part) of God. Just as your hair is part of you, but you are not your hair, so nothing that you see is God, but is a manifestation of Him/Her/It; thereby God is omniscient (anything that is known, is known by God) omnipresent (anywhere anything is, God is) and omnipotent (anything that can be and is done, God can do and does). For Christians, vide 'No man cometh to the Father, but by Me' and 'I am the vine; you are the branches' (god is the root, the source). If you like the Gospel of Thomas (Jesus' brother), 'Split a piece of wood; I am there'. In some Asian countries, people greet each other by putting their hands together in what the West calls the Prayer position, as a means of acknowledging and rverencing the Divine within them. Shabistari says,

"I" and "you" are but the lattices in the niches of a lamp, through which the One Light shines. "I" and "you" are the veil between heaven and earth; lift this veil and you will see no longer the bonds of sects and creeds.

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Q: How do you explain how God is all Encompassing?
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