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They don't believe in the universe been created by a God or anything supreme. They believe that everything repeats in a cycle or birth, death and rebirth. There will be a time when there is destruction and all the elements return back to the earth. It is believed after the death of the world, all beings will be reborn into the Deva realms and then when the world has reformed again, beings will be reborn again.


Buddhists see questions such as the proof the existence of a deity or the explanation of the creation of the Universe as being pointless. There is little hope to resolve the issue to any absolute satisfaction, the resoluton of the issue would not help a person on the journey to enlightenment, and threre are more things to concern oneself with.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Finally! Someone asks about creation. At my school when i was 8-9 years old, i learnt about 26 religions. The Buddhistss have a crazy idea! Which is nothing. They say, "Who cares about the past? We need to learn about how to survive and care for others during the present!" which i guess is an ok explanation.

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13y ago

Buddhism as a Philosophy does not care much for the past and that includes the question on how the world was created. Real Buddhism is only concerned on the present moment. Have you noticed that most people dwells on the past and hope for tomorrow? We are doing something at present but our mind is somewhere else. The only reality is the present moment.


Buddhists are not so interested in "where it all came from" as they are with "what to do about it now"

The question of origins is so vast that people could spend all of eternity contemplating it and never get around to the important considerations of escaping the cycle of death and re-birth. A story likens it to a man shot with a poison arrow who must receive immediate attention. Each time the doctor goes to treat him he asks questions like "Who shot the arrow?", "Who was his teacher?", "Who manufactured the arrows and the bow?" until his time runs out and he dies.


I am very much in agreement with both the previous answers. Those answers are the answers to our day to day happiness. If I try to share my opinion about the creation of this world, from a Buddhism's view point


Nothing is independent as an absolute self with a designation sufficient to find it so. For example, we say consciousness as an abstract. But scientifically it is a combination of neurons in the brain and pulses among them. But just a physical brain neurons is not sufficient to call it as consciousness. Therefore, It agrees with the physics theory that says" Particles do have wave nature and waves do have particle nature. Therefore, it is not sufficient to study the creation of the brain or the consciousness in a context of only physical or only wave respectively. Creation of this world is not just about what we see from our eyes, but also the body faculties that appreciate it as a creation.


A Visual is always an even of a past witnessing at the present. Every visual is conditioned and tensed. A beautiful flower is under the pull of gravity, the beautiful solar system is under the pull of Sun, My big Buddha statue on my table is under gravity bending the table and may break the table one day and so on. Now let us see the smallest called atom and its truth:

1. An atom is an atom if it has a nucleus.

2. An atom is an atom if it has a centre +ve equal to the -ve outer.

3. An atom is an atom if the +ve centre and -ve centre are separated through a distance.

4. An atom is an atom if it is stable by nature if not disturbed.

i.e (+ve centre) + (-ve outer) = Zero= Empty=stable.

This shows, the basic building block of this universe is zero or stable or nothing or weightless or dimensionless or colourless and so on. But even this Nothingness depends on many things to become a nothing, such is the +ve centre, -ve outer etc. Therefore, something made up of a big collection of such a nothingness cant be something. If we see something, we are seeing a collection of nothingness which are already caused and so dependent. A dependent thing can not be an absolute in itself sufficient to find it separately.


From where that +v ( neutrons) and -ve (electron) came? Possible answers are:

1. They are existent independently and physicals having Masses. But they are waves and abstracts having amplitudes and wavelengths. A positive wave and negative wave get collapsed ( degenerative) or amplifies (generative) depending on cycle times. So, sometimes they are there and sometimes not.

2. They appear or came in to being only when something were separated bringing a potential difference for attractions between the two. But they get stabilized to zero when mixed and nothing remains. Why? because the innate nature of this event was to get stabilized from potentials, to be peaceful, calm, cool, so love, so compassion, so nothing but everything we wanted at the very root of our heart.

Conclusion in this context

For the basic unit of this world (Atom) for being something called ATOM, it need the following things at a time:

1. -ve and +ve potentials with nothing when mixed.

2. a mass which is also a wave without mass.

3. a wave nature which is also a mass.

4. a concept of separation, attraction and cancellation at a time. We cant delete any of these concepts anytime If we wanted to make an ATOM as understood.

Therefore, an absolute self can't be so dependent like the ATOM. So this world is just an event of causes with neither the first cause nor the last ..but ofcoz non of these two. And this is the only reason that world became so.

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11y ago


Buddhism is quite a broad church with many schools and traditions, so one answer may not cover all Buddhist ideas on the subject. My own understanding based on the teachings of the Buddha and my own tradition is that everything we percieve in the universe including the world is a result of cause and effect. The creation of a planet is ulrtimately due to collective karma. The technical idea is that 'form' is the end result of wanting or not wanting stuff.

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13y ago

Buddhists don't think that anyone created the world and they don't really care. They say who cares about the past.X

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15y ago

They Read the Buddists Bibble And See What People Think . They Read the Buddists Bibble And See What People Think .

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12y ago

We don't worry about such things. It began because the conditions for it to begin were right. If scientists are correct about the Big Bang theory then that's good enough for me personally.

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10y ago

Buddhism has neither a creator god or a creation story. Efforts to establish or prove such a device are seen as wasteful of time better spent in pursuing enlightenment.

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