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Both Orders are apostolic, that is, seeking to win souls to Christ. The Dominican Order from its beginnings emphasized prayer, study, and preaching. One of the Order's mottoes is Contemplare et contemplata allis tradere, which means, "to contemplate and to share with others the fruits of contemplation." The Franciscan Order in its beginnings emphasized evangelical poverty; the brothers did not own any books except the breviary and The Bible. Instead of studying and preaching in words, their witness was was to show all the world what it meant to live for God alone.

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The goal of the Franciscans is to serve the poor and destitute and the goal of the Dominicans is to teach and fight heresy; both are very needed things in the world today, as well as when the Order's were founded (around the 1200's)
The goal of the Franciscans is to serve the poor and destitute and the goal of the Dominicans is to teach and fight heresy

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Q: How do the main goals of the Franciscans differ from the main goals of the Dominicans?
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