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Q: How do the beliefs about abstinence change across cultures and religions?
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What led to many definition of religions?

The diversity of religious beliefs and practices across different cultures and societies, as well as the complexity of human spirituality and experiences, have led to many different definitions of religions. Additionally, the historical and evolving nature of religions has contributed to varied interpretations and understandings of what constitutes a religion.

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People hold a variety of superstitious beliefs and these vary across cultures. In some cultures, for example, it is considered bad luck to jump over a human being.

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Some cultures and societies consider bare shoulders to be immodest because they are seen as revealing too much skin and can be viewed as inappropriate or suggestive. Standards of modesty vary greatly across different cultures, religions, and personal beliefs.

How many differant religions believe a differant god or goddess created the earth?

Many religions believe in a deity or deities responsible for creating the Earth, each with their unique beliefs and creation stories. Some examples include Christianity (God), Hinduism (Brahma), and Norse mythology (Odin). The concept of a creator god or goddess is prevalent across various cultures and faiths.

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Universal theology is the study of religious beliefs and practices across cultures and religions, focusing on commonalities and universal truths that underlie different faith traditions. It seeks to understand the fundamental aspects of spirituality that unite humanity beyond individual religious doctrines.

How many names does God have in all across all cultures and religions globally?

Just about every language uses a different name for God.

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In many religious beliefs, marriage is a earthly union and may not be carried over into the afterlife. The concept of marriage in heaven varies across different cultures and religions.

What year did the gods get created?

The concept of gods and deities has existed for thousands of years across various cultures and religions. Specific dates for when the gods were created are not known as they are often tied to myths, legends, and beliefs that have been passed down through oral and written traditions.

When did Lord Belial end?

There is no specific date for when Lord Belial ended as beliefs in demonic entities such as Lord Belial vary across different cultures and religions. Some may still believe in Lord Belial's existence, while others may consider him to be a mythological figure.

Is the atlas of world religion subject specific atlas?

Yes, an atlas of world religion is a subject-specific atlas that typically focuses on mapping out the distribution of religious beliefs, practices, and traditions around the world. It provides geographic insight into the spread and influence of various religions across different regions and cultures.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that ghosts are specifically attracted to the color blue or light blue. Beliefs surrounding ghosts and their behavior vary greatly across cultures and beliefs.

Who are those once who believes devil?

Some people believe in the existence of the devil, also known as Satan or Lucifer, in various religious and spiritual traditions. These beliefs typically portray the devil as a malevolent entity opposed to good and associated with temptation and evil. However, beliefs in the devil vary across cultures and religions.