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Due to the dirigibility of people's minds, they are directed to the narrative of a religion or a government, and with their minds being imprinted with that narrative, come under the subjection of the polity of that religion or government.

Perspectives of thought which come outside the narrative of that government or religion are then extenuated and deprecated in subjected people's minds, because they sanction only the narrative imprinted within their thought.

The authority is exercised in that respect: People adhere to the polity of their particular religion or government and disregard other views outside that arena of thought - resulting in them remaining followers of the government or religious institution of choice.

The discharge of the duties of their government or religion, a lack of accomplishments, the contrary deeds and the errors are irrespective to subjected people, as long as the narrative is adjusted admissibly to them.

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Religion and government exercise authority over people by their implied consent.

A religion exercises authority over those people who believe in the doctrines of the religion and are willing to accept its authority. It can also exercise authority over minority or marginalised people by influencing the government to pass laws favourable to the religion.

In a democracy, people elect the government then, having done so, generally accept the right of the government to exercise authority over them. In a Dictatorship, consent is obtained by coercion.

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