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A person who wishes to inquire about, or embrace the Catholic faith follows certain procedures although the length of time it takes before being received into the Church will depend on each person. For example, in theory, an Anglican will require less preparation than a Baptist; this is because Anglicans have more in common with Catholics than Baptists in terms of worship and beliefs. Also, joining the Catholic Church is considered to be a journey in faith, and so Church leaders want to ensure that each person is ready. It is perfectly acceptable for a person to decide that the best thing is not to join Catholicism.


1) Approach the local priest in order to discuss the matter.

2) Preparation can be done in one of two ways:

- Individual sessions with the pastor in order to ensure that the person understands Catholic beliefs and positions. This also provides the opportunity to ask questions.

- Participation in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) programme. This is where people from a given area gather together, on a regular basis, to learn about and discuss Catholic issues as well as their own spiritual journeys. The sessions are led by Catholics and the priest may or may not be present.


Those who are already baptised, simply profess the Creed and receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

Those who are not baptised go through a variety of ceremonies, usually during Lent, and are then baptised and confirmed during the Easter Vigil.

In Infant of Prague you must first go to RCIA meetings and then later you will learn to be confirmed. Afterwards you must get married in a Catholic church to be fully Catholic.

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15y ago

== == Answer First, be certain that you do actually want to become Protestant. Make sure that you have identified all the things that you are unhappy with as a Catholic. If necessary make a list. Then do two things. First, speak to your Catholic priest and ask him to discuss the issues you are troubled by - don't necessarily tell him you may have to leave the church and give him the opportunity to advise you on what's troubling you. Second, take you list to a Protestant clergyman. Ask to speak personally with him to discuss your concerns. Once you have spoken to both comes the hard bit. Now you must pray to God for guidance and you must trust in the way you are led. One other thing, be aware that within Protestantism there are very wide differences of belief and practice. For example in Anglicanism you will find a whole range of practices similar to Catholicism. Generally speaking there is little similarity with Catholic practice in the Baptist or Methodist churches. Answer A way to convert is how my Grandfather did. He left the Catholic Church and began going to a Protestant church and then was baptized as an adult. Also we aren't disgraced Catholics our way of worshiping is different but our God is the same as is our faith, the Catholic way isn't the only way. Leaving the Church of one's youth is a huge step: a Catholic may be disappointed, perplexed, or frustrated with someone or something within the Church, or they may be weary of temptation and tribulation. Whatever the reason, or reasons, when anyone is considering undertaking a big step such as this, isn't prayer always the best first recourse throughout the entire process? "Do whatever He tells you" (John 2:5) were the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary to some friends who were in perplexity. Mary lovingly encouraged these people to go to Jesus and ask for His help and direction. Catholics - even Catholics thinking of leaving the Church - still go to Mary His Mother to seek her loving guidance and encouragement, which is still always, "Do whatever He tells you." She is still your mother, and will guide and inspire you to approach Jesus to seek His will . . . even if a part of you may believe that you can't, or that you already did, or that you don't know how, or that you're not sure you want to. "Do whatever He tells you." Go to Mary in prayer. Seek her motherly advice and counsel. Implore her assistance to find the way to Jesus. Listen to what she says. This would be a first step for any Catholic facing a life-changing decision. A person may simply go to another church. If he/she decides to join another denomination e.g. Methodist, then they are no longer considered to be a Catholic. This possibility is recognised by the Catholic Church. In its canons regarding marriage number 1124 states: "Without express permission of the competent authority, a marriage is prohibited between two baptized persons of whom one is baptized in the Catholic Church or received into it after baptism and has notdefected from it by a formal act and the other of whom is enrolled in a Church or ecclesial community not in full communion with the Catholic Church." The fact Canon Law recognises that a person may defect from the Catholic Church by a formal act (e.g. joining another church) clearly indicates that a person may leave. Having said this, there is no one "Protestant religion"; rather there are hundreds of different denominations, and they believe a wide variety of things e.g. Baptists believe in the literal reading of The Bible (God did make the Universe in 6 days and evolution is incorrect); Pentecostalists believe it is important to speak in tongues (which Baptists condemn); Calvinists believe that human beings are totally corrupt while Methodists do not; Anglicans believe that only ordained clergy may celebrate the sacraments while members of the Salvation Army don't have sacraments; and Christian Scientists believe illness can be cured by faith (no need for doctors).

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16y ago

The best way is to go to a Lutheran church and talk to the pastor. Roman Catholic baptism is recognized by the Lutheran Church, so if the convert was already baptized, then membership classes would likely be required. There is usually a new member reception ceremony called an "Affirmation of Baptism" during which the convert is accepted into full membership of the Lutheran Church by making a brief statement of faith. If the convert is not baptized, the process would be a bit different. Unbaptized adult converts go through the Lutheran catechumenate, which is basically a process of education and preparation to participate in the mysteries, or sacramental life, of the Church.

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15y ago

With permission and support of parents and talking to a priest. The child would need to learn about and partake in sacrament, firstly baptism. There are child-friendly courses about sacraments, so depending on the child's age, they could be included in a sacramental programme with other children.

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15y ago

Adults normally have to attend a catholic course run by the church where they learn more about Christ and the Catholic faith.

Then they are baptized on Easter Sunday with the waters of the Holy Spirit and the Risen Christ.

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13y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerYou need to speak to a priest, you can call your local rectory or Church office; or talk to any priest after Mass and tell them you are interested in learning more about the Church. He will direct you from there.
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14y ago

A true Hindu will never go for conversion no matter million benefits arise after that.

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That depends on what you are converting from. You would have to go to the priest of your local Catholic church and he will tell you what to do.

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You convert to Catholicism through the RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Any priest at a local parish can help you enroll in the program.

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How can someone convert to Catholic?

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How can someone become a Catholic?

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