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You seek the Lord will all your heart during a fast. You fast because you want to be changed by Him and draw closer to Him, not because you want to get something from Him.

During the fast, you don't make it obvious to others, you don't tell others or act like you are starving, it is a personal, private time for you to reflect and ask the Lord to move in your life, starting with the inside.

It is also a time of serving others - giving to the poor, helping those less fortunate than you, looking for opportunities to be His Hands extended to them.

The type of food/s or pleasures you give up for the time of fasting may vary. Seek God about this as well. Some give up all food and water for a time. Some give up all food. Others give up certain foods or pleasures for a time. Ask the Lord what He would have for you to fast (abstain from) and for how long.

Good passages of The Bible about fasting are Isaiah chapter 58, Matthew 6:16-18; Luke 18:9-14; Daniel 9:3,20; Joel 2:12; I Samuel 1: 6-8 & 17-18; I Corinthians 7:5 and many other places refer to fasting.

Get a Strong's Concordance, or do a search of the Bible on using the KJV *with Strongs numbering* and you can find many examples of fasting by typing in the word fast/ing, etc.

Most of all - just draw closer to the Lord and see how He changes you. He is wonderful! <3

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13y ago
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16y ago

In the early Bible days, God had specific guidelines for the Jews to follow for fasting. We as Christians live in today's world that is completely different from the Israelite days. So to answer this question, how you fast is up to how you feel God wants you too. There is no right or wrong way, the main point of fasting is to get closer to God. If this is accomplished then you did it right. Your relationship with God works just like your relationship with your friends on earth. If you want that friendship to grow, spend more time with Him.

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Lvl 5
4y ago

Choosing to fast in certain circumstances is an individual decision. One person should not judge another on this matter. We should not want to “appear righteous to men”; nor should we make food so important that it interferes with our caring for serious obligations.

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16y ago

They fast by not eating its a part of some religions

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14y ago

we dont, to my knowledge the only religions that fast are Judaism and Islam.

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13y ago

The proper way is not to eat food. If you are skipping just one meal, not eating for a day, or three days it depends on you and what you want to do.

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13y ago

Nothing. Fasting means fasting; that is eating nothing.

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11y ago

scientist believe chritians should fast for about 4 hours only

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15y ago

Do Christians have to fast?

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