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* Christians do whatever is right. It's as simple as that. * There are many Christians and they will make decisions in many different ways. For many, it will be a combination of using the inbuilt and God-given common sense or conscience with prayer for wisdom and guidance in making the correct choice when the decision is not so obvious. The Bible also points the way. A Christian does not need to wonder or ask God what s right if the Bible clearly shows the right way. Most times, the principles will exist biblically to aid the decision making.

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17y ago
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14y ago
AnswerMost make ethical decisions in exactly the same way as everyone else - they look into their consciences and try to decide what is right and wrong. Some lucky people, both Christian and non-Christian receive training in ethics, on which they can draw.

Based on news reported in the business and financial media, as well as prison statistics, Christians do not seem to receive any assistance unavailable to others in making ethical decisions.

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14y ago

Christians make moral decisions based on what the bible says and on what catholics believe. Some of their decisions must be based on their personal morals and values, while keeping the Catholic viewpoint in mind.

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13y ago
A:There are two ways that Christians could potentially make moral decisions - instinctively by examining their consciences or intellectually by asking themselves what they believe God would want, what the Bible says. The most natural way would be to use their consciences, just as non-Christians do, and I believe that most Christians do indeed follow this path. Christians and non-Christians alike, also take regard of the risk of breaking the law, when making some decisions of a moral nature.

Of course in more formal situations, such as business decisions , conscience may be supported by ethics training.

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10y ago


A simplistic answer is that Christians decide how to behave because they follow the Ten Commandments. After all, they learnt to repeat the Ten Commandments as children, so should be able to observe them correctly. But, in large part, the Ten Commandments are not really about ethics or how to behave. The first three commandments require believers to worship God only which, important as they are, are not ethical instructions. The fourth commandment is also about religious observance - keeping the Sabbath. Christians generally are unaware that the tenth commandment enjoins us not to covet a neighbour's slaves (usually translated into English as "manservants and maidservants"), demonstrating that the Ten Commandments do not inform ethical behaviour.

Another simplistic answer is to say that Christians decide how to behave because passages such as 2 Peter 1:5-7 give information on how we should behave. Indeed this passage gives good advice, but how many Christians have ever read the passage and how many Christians would stop and think how to behave at any point in time, because they know exactly what it says?

Christians decide how to behave because they follow their consciences, just as non-Christians do.

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10y ago

Generally speaking, Christians make moral choices based on the Bible. The Bible is believed to contain everything their God says about how they should live.

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14y ago

We must ask ourselves is the decisions I am about to make in accord with the commandments of God. Seconds who are they to benefit.As an extra one are they selfish or unselfish.

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