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Mormons have many strong values that they try to use to make themselves better people. Some of those are like how they try to dress modestly, and they don't drink like coffee or alcohol, and they try not to date before they are sixteen. But those are just a few.

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13y ago

Mormons are taught to behave as Jesus Christ behaved. That is, keeping Gods commandments, being kind to people, giving service, helping others, not being critical. We are all human though and we are not perfect in all things. We can repent and ask forgiveness for our weaknesses. The trick is, we ourselves need to forgive others or God won't forgive us.

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12y ago

While members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the 'Mormon' church) can make their own choices and may behave however they choose, one of the Articles of Faith of the Church describes how a member of the Church is expected to behave. It states:

"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men... If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."

Check out the "Related Links" to learn more about what is expected of Church members.

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14y ago

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" Church) live their lives similar to anyone else in their community. They live in regular homes, apartments, and neighborhoods, where their neighbors may or may not be Mormons as well. They drive cars, watch T.V., play Video Games, and enjoy other modern activities. They hold normal jobs - doctors, dentists, sales, business, construction, finance - whatever they want to do. They celebrate most national, local and Christian holidays. They attend public schools, participate in local sports teams, and shop at the same stores as everyone else.

The only differences you may be able to see in the lives of Church members are:

-avoiding alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, coffee, and tea.

-avoid swearing and harsh language

-modest dressing (shorts and skirts to the knees, no sleeveless shirts, etc)

-no tattoos or excessive piercings

-very devoted to Church, spending an average of 4 hours a week in Church meetings.

-pray and read scripture daily

-very involved in family-oriented activities

-avoid shopping, movies, sporting events, and other entertainment on Sunday.

See the "Related Links" below to learn more about the Church and it's members.

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Where do most Mormons live outside the US?

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Mormons live everywhere around the USA and also around the world - so it would be stranger if there wouldn't be LDS in NY

How many Mormons live in Panama?

Around 35,343.

How Mormons live in massachuetts?

Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) in Massachusetts live just the same as Mormons most anywhere else. Mormons blend with the culture of their community, live in typical homes, dress in typical clothing, and have typical jobs. Mormons do tend to be very religious and believe that worship is the way you live your life, not just what you do at church. Mormons often hold daily family prayer and scripture study in their homes. They believe in clean living and avoid smoking, drugs, alcohol, and coffee. While Mormons still wear the fashions of the day, they avoid revealing clothing or 'extreme' looks. Mormons also devote much of their time to service both in the community and in their congregations.

Do Mormons live in Bethlehem?

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Well, there are many non-Mormons who live there, and there are churches of several other denominations in Heber.

Where Mormons belong?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) belong wherever they want! There are over 14 million Mormons living all over the world. There is no specific place where Mormons should live, they live wherever they choose. There is no such thing as a 'Mormon city' or a 'Mormon neighborhood'. Mormons live in regular neighborhoods just like everyone else. Check out the "Related Links" below to learn more about Mormons, what they are like and what they believe.

Do Mormons believe in past lives?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that life is eternal - we existed prior to this mortal life and will exist after this mortal life. This is not considered to be multiple lives, but different stages in one life. Mormons believe that all people lived in heaven with God prior to being born on this earth, and that we will return to heaven to live with God again after we die. Mormons do not believe in reincarnation or the idea that you may live multiple lives on earth. The only 'past life' was in heaven with God, and the only 'next life' is in heaven with God (or, for some, in hell with Satan). To learn more about the Mormon belief of eternal life, check out the "Related Links" below.

Why was it impossible for Mormons to live in the east?

it was impossible for yukmyukMormons to live in the east because of persecution from mobs.

Which state is called the Mormon state?

While no official state nickname is the "Mormon State", Utah is sometimes called the Mormon state because Mormons settled it and the majority of residents (60%) are practicing Mormons. While Mormons live in all states and almost all countries, about 10% of the 14.5 million Mormons worldwide live in Utah.