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Judaism has many holidays and Holy Days. Almost all of them are marked by additions to

the regular daily prayers, whether in the regular daily synagogue service or in regular daily

private prayer.

The main holy days are:

1 Rosh Hashanah - The Jewish New Year

2 Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

3 Sukkot - Feast of Booths (or Tabernacles)

4 Pesach - Passover

5 Shavuot - Feast of Weeks - Yom HaBikurim

The holiest day on the calendar is Shabbat (The Sabbath) which occurs every Friday night at sundown to Saturday night at sundown.

This is a list of most of the major holidays and minor festivals:

1 Rosh Hashanah - The Jewish New Year

2 Aseret Yemei Teshuva - Ten Days of Repentance

3 Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement

4 Sukkot - Feast of Booths (or Tabernacles)

5 Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

6 Hanukkah - Festival of Lights

7 Tenth of Tevet

8 Tu Bishvat - New Year of the Trees

9 Purim - Festival of Lots

10 Pesach - Passover

11 Sefirah - Counting of the Omer

12 Lag Ba'omer

13 Shavuot - Feast of Weeks - Yom HaBikurim

14 Seventeenth of Tammuz

15 The Three Weeks and the Nine Days

16 Tisha B'av - Ninth of Av

17 Rosh Chodesh - the New Month

18 Shabbat - The Sabbath - שבת

19 Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance day

20 Yom Hazikaron - Memorial Day

21 Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israel Independence Day

22 Yom Yerushalaim - Jerusalem Day

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11y ago

Prayer services are held, and the Torah is read. Many synagogues have kiddush (blessing over wine) and refreshments after the services. Depending on which festival it is, there may be additional things, such as the dancing on the festival of Simchat Torah.

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11y ago

Hanukkah is not celebrated at the synagogue. It is celebrated in the home. However, some synagogues may have communal parties on the weekend that occurs during the 8 days of Hanukkah.

Answer:The above answer is incomplete. In addition to the candlelighting in Jewish homes, Hanukkah is observed in the synagogue, with special Torah-readings and saying the prayers of Hallel and Al Hanisim which are added during Hanukkah.
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13y ago

Daily prayers


Bar and Bat Mitzvot

Baby namings


Community gatherings


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13y ago

You will need to be more specific, because it depends on the feast/festival.

Usually, the celebration includes the reading of the Torah; but not always.

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In the home and in the prayer-services. See also:

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Jewish people mostly celebrate Hanukkah in their homes; and certain prayers are added in the regular synagogue services too.

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Yes, most of them do. Hanukkah is a religious holiday with special prayers and Torah-readings, but most non-religious Jews celebrate Hanukkah too.

Does Jews celebrate Hanukkah?

Yes they do :p

Do people celebrate Hanukkah all over the world?

Yes, Jews celebrate Hanukkah in many different countries.

How do New England Jews celebrate Hanukkah?

The same as Jews everywhere.