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Hindu people certainly have a religious law as shown in Vedas. Also in Mahabharata & Ramayan word Dharma (righteous living) has been described. Dharma (righteous living) helps them to determine what is wright or wrong.

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Q: How do Hindus determine what it right or wrong without religious law?
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Yes, in a way. Hinduism's sanskrit name is "Sanatana Dharma," translated to "the right way to live." These duties (dharma) do not dictate religious instructions, but more instructions on life. For example, treating others with kindness regardless of race, color etc. Hinduism has no religious instructions on how to practice hinduism, but it does have instructions on how to live life in general.

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To make sure they are living right and obeying them and their religion.

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Some of the issues that the Religious Right rejected were women's liberation, homosexuality, and abortion.