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Whether burial or Cremation. There are all ways of disposing the body. After death the spirit leaves the body, and the body eventually returns to earth.

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Q: How do Christians feel regarding cremation?
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Do you feel being cremated?

Cremation is a process in which a body is placed in a cremation chamber where through heat and evaporation the body is reduced to its basic elements. This is normally done at a crematorium or a funeral home equipped with cremation equipment.

What happens if Christians get cremated?

Upon cremation the body would be reduced to ashes and small fragment of bones. The Christians soul would go to be with the lord as if he had been buried in any conventional manner. Cremation was not taught in Gods word and it is probably not the way a Christians body should be disposed of at death. However there is no teaching in Gods word that specifically prohibits it. There is an excellent article in the magazine "Christian Research Journal" that explores this subject in depth. The consensus they reach is that a Christians body should not be cremated.

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Do they have cremation services in mosques?

No, cremation is not allowed in Islam.

Do pentecostals believe in cremation?

Pentecostals do believe in cremation.

Is cremation acceptable?

According to Jewish law, cremation is not acceptable.

When was Revel in Cremation created?

Revel in Cremation was created in 2002.

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if your really that concerned, go ask a priest...

Do Christians believe in gay rights?

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What is meant by cremation?

Cremation means burning the body of humans after death.