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In medieval times, the first sons of noblemen would inherit their fathers' estates and titles. So as not to divide up the estate, a position needed to be found for the subsequent sons. Most frequently, those who were not first sons would become clergy.

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A young man would first attend a Church school in order to gain the right education, particularly in the Latin language. He would then work his way up through the minor clerical orders until he became an "acolyte" to an existing priest. This was the fourth and highest grade of minor Holy orders.

An acolyte would assist in services and act as "sidesman" while learning all the work done by the priest. He was responsible for lighting candles on the altar, carrying the cross in procession, preparing wine and water for Mass and so on. When he had served a period as acolyte and the priest considered him to be ready, he would then be made a sub-deacon, the lowest of the major Holy orders of the Church.

He would then rise to the grade of deacon before being ordained as a priest.

The experience as an acolyte would be very much like that of an apprentice in ordinary life, learning the work, the services, the items of dress, prayers and everything else just as an apprentice carpenter would learn about the different types of wood, the carpenter's tools and how to use them.

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