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Noah's Flood defies scientific explanation in so many ways. In this respect, not only was there no source of water that could cover the whole world to a depth of kilometres, but there is no evidence as to where it went afterwards.

Of course, the ancients did not understand the natural cycle of water evaporating from the ocean and eventually returning to the ocean. Rather than try to understand and explain the story of Noah, just enjoy it as the fable it is.


Basically, the same place water goes after any other flood... once the rain and water sources cease: evaporation and run-off occur.

"...He sent a wind to blow across the waters[evaporation], and the floods began to disappear [run-off]. The underground water sources ceased their gushing, and the torrential rains stopped. So the flood GRADUALLY BEGAN TO RECEDE..." (Gen.8:1-3 NLT).

It's a cycle that's been going on since the beginning. Among all the other "laws of nature"... God created the laws of evaporation, condensation, precipitation.

But, He can also do special and seemingly miraculous things when it suits His purpose. That's one of the perks to being the Creator of the universe. The "laws of nature," which are unexplainable and miraculous to man are all His, and they are at His fingertips to use at will.

"'Have you explored the springs from which the seas come? Have you walked about and explored their depths?'" (Job 38:16 NLT)

"Who defined the boundaries of the sea as it burst from the womb, as I clothed it with clouds and thick darkness? For I locked it behind barred gates, limiting its shores." (verses 8-10)

"...I can speak to the sea and make it dry! I can turn rivers into deserts covered with dying fish." (Isa.50:2 NLT)

"It is the Lord who provides the sun to light the day and the moon and stars to light the night. It is He who stirs the sea into roaring waves. His name is the Lord Almighty, and this is what He says: 'I AM as likely to reject My people Israel as I AM to do away with the laws of nature!'" (Jer.31:35-36 NLT)

"...I assure you, if you have Faith and don't doubt... You can even say to this mountain, 'May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and it will happen." (Matt.21:21 NLT)

Evaporation and run-off isn't exactly a miracle... but such Faith and Belief in God as Jesus mentions above isn't exactly required here. Most folks don't have that degree of Faith, anyway; yet develop a certain amount of subconscious expectation [faith, if you will], trusting in the normal effects of the "laws of nature," and are even often astounded by the strange and unexpected effects built into this old earth that helps it take care of itself.

The aftermath of "Noah's flood" was essentially the same as every other flood that has ever occurred on planet earth; the waters always return to the levels "pre-set by God"... and the laws of nature renew the earth in one way or another.

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