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The Thirty Years War had a wide impact on Europe. However, in essence, it ended in a draw.

France rose to prominence in Europe as a result of its war with Spain, which would continue for more than a decade after the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years War. One of her greatest generals, the Vicomte de Turenne, would emerge from the Thirty Years War and continue leading France to victory. He was the only French general who Napoleon would name in his list of greatest generals of all time.

The Swedish Empire began its rise as a result of the Thirty Years War. However, its role as a powerhouse in Europe would be short-lived, ending in the early 1700s after the Great Northern War with Russia.

The Netherlands, or Dutch Republic as it was known, became independent from Spain, and would begin a rise as a dominant sea and economic power.

Prussia, at this time known as Brandenburg-Prussia, would begin its rise to prominence as a military power, though it would be more than a century before they became a serious contender in Europe, under Frederick the Great in the Seven Years War.

Religious differences were settled with a sort of live and let live policy. Since neither side could emerge victorious, neither side could enforce its will and goals. This tended to benefit the Protestants more, as the Catholics (Hapsburgs) had been seeking to eradicate Protestantism (Counter-Reformation), while Protestantism sought to survive. Since Protestants still exist, one could argue the Protestants won the war.

The war continued the long downward slide of the Spanish Empire from prominence in European affairs. Also led to the decline of the Holy Roman Empire, though it wouldn't be until the Napoleonic Wars a century and a half later that the Empire would fall.

The rise of modern military tactics, including the way infantry was deployed, calvary and artillery were used, and weapon development would occur. Even a primitive version of the concept of "total war" would be developed. Standing, paid armies became the norm, rather than relying on mercenaries who would change sides at will. While before the likes of Gustavus Adolphus, armies would merely pound away at each other in large formations, such as the tercio of Spain, large formations that emphasized power . New schools of thought, introduced by Maurice of Nassau and Gustavus Adolphus, placed emphasis on accuracy, rate of fire, and maneuverability, concepts still valued today.

While religious issues and discrimination still existed, the seeds of the concept of religious tolerance were planted. That being said, France still had issues with Protestants (Huguenots), England had issues with Catholics and other non-Anglicans, Sweden was predominantly Lutheran, Spain's obsession with Catholicism continued.

Credentials: Not much in actual credentials. I've just had a fascination with this conflict (since it combines my interest in religion and war), and have been studying it much of my college career (graduating soon). If there are mistakes, I apologize.

I hope this helps.

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No. The Thirty Years War, which stemmed from a religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics, did in fact last thirty years, from 1618-1648.

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