smile. :)
So people can see and know more about Jesus.
Because the only way to enjoy life os to be happy and to be happy you need to see that other people around you are happy.
This has often been depicted in clever movies which show well the times and the people. So look at a Bible film and you will see.
People might be happy to see the locusts come as they come once in while and is a good source of food.
Jesus' words which became known as the beatitudes.
No mortal man can look upon God and live. Besides, Jesus is part of the Godhead. One day, we will all see Him.
See the link below. There is a list of miracles by Jesus.
Empathy is the ability to recognize the emotions of another sentient entity. An example is when you see an ill person and you pity him/her, or when you see children playing and you know they are happy. Empathy is thought to be the prerequisite for sympathy and compassion. However, simply having empathy is not enough for sympathy. One can see a person smiling and understand that they are happy, yet not feel happy at the same time. Additionally, people who torture other people certainly are empathetic but they show no compassion.
No the word happy is not a noun at all.The word happy is an adjective, a word that describes a noun. Example:We like to see happy faces on happy people.
yes to people that you see