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The First pillar of Islam deals with the concept of believing in ONE God and how not to believe.

The first pillar of Islam sets Islam way apart from Christianity and Hinduism. A distinct line is drawn between monotheistic believes and polytheistic believes. Here Judaism and Islam share the same believes.

The first pillar is also the foundation for the other pillars that follow. Additional to the first pillar is the believe in an inevitable Judgement day, the concept of Angels and jinn, the concept of prophets and messengers, the Quran as a holy book from God (Allah) and the idea of a paradise and hell.

Once the Person have a firm grasp on this first pillar, then he is already considered a muslim. And a it will be impossible to convert to a believe system other than Islam.


In addition to the above that I fully agree upon, the shahadah learns Muslims to ask support and Guidance only from Allah and teaches him/her to be obedient to the commands of Allah and His prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Refer to question below.

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Q: How did the first pillar the shahadah affect a Muslim life?
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What does the first pillar shahadah mean?

shahadah means truthfully reciting the Muslim profession and faith and also worshiping the one and only god Allah and his messenger Muhammad.

What is the first piller called?

the first pillar is called SHAHADAH

What pillar says that there is only one god Allah?

The very first pillar of Islam mentions that there is only one Allah! This is known as the "Shahadah".This is how you say the Shahadah in:Arabic: Ash'haddu Anna ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad ur-rasul Allah.English: I bear witness that, there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

How important is Shahadah?

The Shahadah is the first step that a Muslim takes on their journey of faith so the declaration that there is only one God and that Muhammad is God's prophet is supremely important.

How does the first pillar of Islam affect Muslims?

The first pillar of Islam is Shahadah. No one can become a Muslim without having faith in the ONENESS of Almighty Allah. Having complete faith in Almighty Allah makes a Muslim Dauntless. He is not afraid of anybody and anything. He believes that he has to bow before Almighty Allah and none else. He follows the commands of Almighty Allah and becomes honest, just, truthful, loving and caring for the poor, needy in particular and all humans in general. His life is governed by the teachings of Islam, the Qur'an and the sayings of the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). He believes in universal human brotherhood.

Where can you perform the shahada?

Shahadah is an Arabic word that means witnessing or testimony. It is the first pillar of the 5 Islam pillars. Shahadah is witnessing that No god except one and only one God (Allah), the Creator, and that Muhammad is His messenger. Refer to the related question below for more information. The word Shahada stands also for witness in front of legal courts.

How do you use shahadah in a sentence?

The shahadah is repeated daily by some Muslims, as a declaration of faith. The shahadah is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam.

How do Muslims process the five pillars?

The five pillars (see the related question below) are processed as follow:The first pillar (Testimony) is to be said and believed in through all Muslim lifeThe second pillar (praying) is to be done 5 times a day, each time time could take less than five minutes.The third pillar (Almsgiving or Zakat) is the society right on the Muslim for what wealth he has.The fourth pillar (fasting) is for one month a year and this for God and to be rewarded by God.The fifth pillar (pilgrimage or Hajj) is once in the life of the Muslim who can afford it.

What is the first pillar shahadah?

Shahadah is the first pillar of Islam. It is the basic belief of the Muslims. It is essential for a Muslim to declare from the core of his heart: "There is no god, but Almighty God (Allah), Who is the Sole Creator, Sustainer, Provider, and Ruler of all the worlds, having no parents, no off-spring, no Son, No Associate whatsoever. He and He deserves worship. Hazrat Muhammad )SAW) is the last Prophet of Islam.

What obligation do Muslims accept in the Five Pillars of Islam?

Muslims are required to believe in the authenticity of the five pillars and to follow them, as follows:The first pillar (Testimony) is to be said and believed in through all Muslim lifeThe second pillar (praying) is to be done 5 times a day, each time time could take less than five minutes.The third pillar (Alms giving or Zakat) is the society right on the Muslim for what wealth he has.The fourth pillar (fasting) is for one month a year and this for God and for you to be rewarded by God.The fifth pillar (pilgrimage or Hajj) is once in the life of the Muslim who can afford it physically, securely, and financially.

What is the importance of the shahada?

Shahada is the witness that no god except one and only one God (with no partner, no son, no associate and no equivalence) and that prophet Muhammad is his messenger and prophet. Denying the Shahada get the Muslim out of Islam. The Shahada is the first and most important pillar of Islam. To become a Muslim you have to say it and believe in it.

What is the name of the first pillar of faith?

The First pillar of faith is the Shahdah in arabiac