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Q: How did the early Islamic religion spread to the early kingdoms of Africa What is the name of the holy book of Islam?
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The Islamic Conquests spread Islam throughout all of the Middle East,North Africa,and Spain.

Where is the Islamic religion used?

Islamic religion is the faith of Muslims who are spread all over the world.

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What religion spread from North Africa to west Africa

Why is Islam important to Egypt and North Africa?

It's our religion that we believe in , Egypt and some countries in north Africa main religion is Islam , however its not the only religion in the country .

What religion spread from the Arabian peninsula to Africa beginning in the ad 600s?

Islam was the religion that spread from the Arabian Peninsula to Africa.

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Islam entered into East Africa at the very beginning of the Islamic period, around 700 AD. Muslim traders introduced Islam to the East African coast, and the growth of commerce caused the religion to spread.

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How did the isamic religion spread to the early kingdoms of Africa?

Ok so first when they tried preaching their religion, the African leader shunned them. But then they got invaded by them. Which then their first leader was Mansa-Musa! 🙉 I'm smart! Jk

Why didn't the Islamic religion spread in America?

There are millions of Muslims in America.

In what places of the world is Islamic religion worshipped?

In every country or place you will find people that practice the Islamic religion, as it has widely spread thoughout the world.