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they helped the fur trade by translating

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Q: How did the Metis help the fur trade?
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What was the Metis role in the fur trade?

the role of the metis in the fur trade is that they.... maye you should awnser this yourself

What was the role in the fur trade?

the role of the metis in the fur trade is that they.... maye you should awnser this yourself

What time did the Metis people come to Canada?

Metis people were born in Canada to European and aboriginal couples. mainly during the fur trade.

Where did the people of metis' immigrate from?

the metis people themselves didn't immigrate to north America from anywhere. they are the children of both European and aboriginal couples. metis people first "came" during the fur trade. hope that helps!

What was the red river cart?

Red River cart was a two wheeled cart used by The metis during the fur trade

How did the metis find clothing in the past?

from fur trades

Who European fur traders and First Nations women?

The Metis

How did the Metis make a livings?

Metis were historically fur-traders and mountain men. Today they are more often farmers and ranchers.

In what industry did the Metis first work with European settlers?

Fur trading.

What role did the metis play in the fur trade?

The First Nations contributed to the fur trade by giving them pemmican, acting as guides, teaching them how to ride canoes, hunted the animals to give the fur to the Europeans, and

How do historic sites like the rocky mountains house help us learn about the fur trade?

it has a visitor center with displays about the fur trade and if you follow the trail next to the north saskatchewan river it will lead you to a place were fur trade posts used to be

What is a fur trade monopoly?

a fur trade monopoly is the control over fur