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The God-fearing ones among them continued to follow the religion of their forefathers, the Torah.

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Q: How did the Jews have religion in judah and isriiel?
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Was Judah the founder of Judaism?

No. Judah is just the ancestor that most Jews share, according to Jewish Scripture. Abraham (Judah's great-grandfather) and Moses (Judah's great x30 nephew) founded the religion.

Who are Jews and throw some light on their religious and cultural beliefs?

Jews are those who follow the religion of Moses: the religion of the Torah. Their name comes from Judah, a son of Jacob. See the attached Related Links for details on your question.

What is the origin and meaning of the word Judaism?

It means the religion of the Jews. Both words have their origin in the Jewish tribe of Judah, since of the twelve Jewish tribes, most of the Jews today are from Judah. Judaism is also defined in dictionaries as the religion of Moses.Answer:The term Judaism means the Jewish religion. It comes from the Hebrew word "Yehudah" or "Judah" and refers to those from province of Judea.

Was King David a Catholic?

King David was a Hebrew. The Catholic Church did not exist at the time nor did the Jews. To be a Jew meant many things, lived in the land of Judah, to be a convert to Judaism which was not the religion of the Hebrews and some called members of the tribe of Judah Jews after 2nd kings. King David was born in Judah, and his family were all from the tribe of Ephraim.

Why Did Jews return to Judah?

it was there promised land

Which religion are Jews?

The religion of Jews is Judaism.

What religion were Jesus Mary and Joseph?

Mary and Joseph were Jewish the same with their son Jesus.

What religion is lion of judah?

Lion of Judah is another name for the Lord in the Bible. Its not a religion but a name for god found in the Christian Scriptures

What has the author Judah ben Yakar written?

Judah ben Yakar has written: 'Perush ha-tefilot veha-berakhot' -- subject(s): Jews, Jews. Liturgy and ritual, Jews. Liturgy and ritual. Benedictions, Jews. Liturgy and ritual. Hagadah

Were any Hebrews Christian in 1800?

AnswerThe name 'Hebrew' is applied to the people of Israel and Judah from their ealiest mention until the late monarchial times of Judah. After the people adopted the monotheist religion of Judaism, under King Josiah, or perhaps from the time of the Babylonian Exile, they became known simply as Jews.No doubt many Jews did adopt Christianity by the year 1800 CE, but by doing so they would have ceased to be Jews by religion.

Who was Judah?

Judah was the fourth son of Jacob (Israel) by Leah. He became the leader amongst the sons. The tribe of Judah is named after him, and many of the modern Jews are descended from him.

What do you call the people who have a religion of Jews?

Jews religion is called Judaism.