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They made up their own god, the golden calf, while Moses talked to God on the mountain. However, not all the Israelites participated in this idolatry. None of the men from the tribe of Levi and not a single woman participated.

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When Canaan belonged to the Israelites , god had said that they should wipe out every tribe and their cattle. But they disobeyed god and even married boys and girls from these tribes.

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Q: How did the Israelites disobey God on the way to the promised land?
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Who promised the land to the Jews?

God promised the promised land to the Israelites.

The land god promised to the Israelites?

The land refered to as the promised land is called Cannan.

Why is israel called the promised land?

Because it was promised by God. He promised it to the Israelites (Genesis 26:1-5).Answer:Because God saw the Israelites were suffering in Egypt (Exodus ch.1). That is why He gave them the Promised Land (Exodus ch.3) and called them His people.

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The Promised Land; the city of Jerusalem forever to be the city of God. The Promised Land; the city of Jerusalem forever to be the city of God. The Promised Land; the city of Jerusalem forever to be the city of God.

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Because it is the land that according to the bible god promised to the Israelites

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God promised to send the Israelites to the Promised Land (Canna, or Palestine). They walked 40 years in the desert with Moses (though he never made it to the Promised Land, he died when they could see it in the distance and Joshua took over).

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He was not permitted because he disobeyed God. Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land. God did allow him to see it from one of the mountains outside Israel before he died.

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Another answer from our community:When God delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians at the Red Sea, He explained to the Israelites: "I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan."-Lev. 25:38.He (God) commanded that the inhabits of the land to be destroyed. (this is what is stated in The Bible)

God promised to give the israelites a land flowing with what?

Overflowing with milk and honey... you can read this in Exodus chapter 3

What is the biblical meaning of hittite?

A Hittite is a son of Het which means terror. Basically Hittites = sons of terror (or fear)

In the Book of Joshua who takes the Promised Land?

The Israelites took the land from the Canaanites, as commanded by God (Deuteronomy 1:8 and other verses).

Who promised Israel to the Israelites?

God promised Israel (the land of Canaan) to Jacob (Genesis ch.28), whom He renamed Israel (Genesis ch.35).