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Q: How did moral guidance become the revolution of god?
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Why do christians think atheists are bad people?

Not all do, obviously. Some christians who take their moral guidance (nearly) entirely from their belief in god and the bible doubt whether it is possible to even be moral without that guidance. They sometimes think of atheists as capable of almost any action/behavior because of the atheists' lack of divine guidance.

What are the kinds of guidance?

There are different types of guidance such as academic guidance, career guidance, personal guidance, and spiritual guidance. Each type of guidance aims to assist individuals in making informed decisions, setting goals, and navigating challenges in their respective areas of life.

How do you become closer with god?

Ask him for guidance, talk to him, pray to him a lot, simple things like this will help

What would you expect from a moral religious person?

A:I would expect the same standards from a moral religious person as from a moral non-religious person, no less. The one important difference would probably be the person's own assessment of the reason for his morality. The moral religious person is likely to attribute his or her morality to guidance from God; the moral non-religious person is likely to attribute his or her morality to conscience and a desire to do good for others.

Who was the first teacher of Jesus?

Jesus's first teacher was his mother, Mary. She would have taught him about their faith, traditions, and provided him with moral guidance as he grew up.

Was the world created by revolution or god?

Revolution, because how was god created? That is the correct answer!

What is a moral verb?

God knows

Why is the moral argument called the moral argument?

The moral argument is called that because it is an argument for the existence of God based on the existence of objective moral values and duties. It suggests that the existence of moral values points towards the existence of a moral lawgiver, which is typically identified as God.

Does God reveal moral values outside the pages of Scripture?

Moral values are to be found everywhere. Even non-believers can live by the highest moral values. Whether these moral principles were revealed to non-believers by God is problematic.

What is divine moral?

Divine moral is to view the concerns of this world and your life as GOD would.

How do you get closer to God?

Start talking to Him and ask for guidance.

How does Islam provide guidance to its followers?

Islam provides guidance to its followers through the Quran, which is believed to be the word of God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The Quran serves as a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of life, including moral and ethical teachings, guidance on worship rituals, and instructions on how to lead a righteous life. Additionally, Muslims also seek guidance from the Hadith, which are traditions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad. These sources of guidance help Muslims navigate their daily lives and make decisions in accordance with Islamic principles.