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Jesus chose the average everyday believer right in their own world or lifestyle. Many of the disciples were fisherman. He did not pick the elite or the rabinnical educated or the Pharisees who thought they knew everything when they knew nothing of God in reality. He chose the everyday man so they could learn the simple lessons of the Kingdom of God and spread those simple teachings to the rest of mankind. The Average Joe or Jane will listen to his neighbor, co-worker, storkeeper or postman long before they will listen to a pompous person who doesn't even know what it is like to be ordinary. Ordinary is best. Jesus blessed the kids, told them the story of faith and eternal life and those kids tell the story so simply without fear. Think how simply Billy Graham spoke to everyone....."The Bible says....". He used everyman stories of everyday things so we could grasp the simple love of God. That is why Jesus chose the fisherman, the women who loved to listen to Jesus, and the children that knew love when they saw it.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Jesus chose 12 disciples most were ordinary people fishermen, Matthew was a tax collector.


Jesus does not pick and chose anyone. All are given/led to Him by the Father as John 6:44;65 clearly states. In the Apostle's case, John 17:6 says, "I have manifested Your (Father's) name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me and they have kept your word."

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15y ago

Because they were just ordinary people like everyone else and he didnt want no1 speacial

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13y ago
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14y ago

Mostly all the disciples were common people, mostly fishermen.

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13y ago

Jesus chose simple people as his disciples most were fishermen and Matthew was a tax collector.

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10y ago

Read of them between Matthew 4:18 and 10:2.

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18y ago

he picked them all at the same time

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13y ago

They were mostly fishermen from Galilee.

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