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Afetr Influence of Buddhism on Hinduism. Hinduism became Religion of peace, while Islam was the Religion of violence & jihad.

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Q: How did hindus keep themselves separate from Muslims?
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Why is it difficult for Muslims to keep Ramadan in this country?

it'sdifficult because there are lots of hindus who fight against islam.

What two religious groups did the mughal empire have to keep peace between?

The Mughal Empire had to keep peace between Hindus and Muslims. This was a significant challenge for the empire due to the religious diversity of the population and the potential for conflict between the two communities.

How long did Gandhi fast to keep Muslims and Hindus from fighting?

1924- 3 weeks 1933- 3 weeks there was another one for 5 days...

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Why did Hindus react against the partition of Bengal?

The partition of Bengal aroused fury among the Hindus. The Hindus thought that the partition of Bengal was an attempt to break the unity among the Hindus which might be a threat to the British Government. They thought that the British had applied their 'Divide and Rule Policy' meaning that the Hindus and the Muslims will keep on fighting with each other and the threat which the radical nationalism of the Hindus was disturbing the Britishers would come to an end. Consequently the Hindus' attempts to kick the British out of the Sub-continent and establish Hindu Rule would loose their solidarity and strength. Furthermore the Hindus could not bear to see the Muslims flourish and the partition of Bengal meant exactly that. It can also be seen that the Hindus wouldn't allow any degree of Partition of their Motherland, the India. This fact was confirmed by the height of opposition and objection to the Partition of India in 1947 from the Hindus.

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How are Jews different to Hindus?

i must keep my lecture to my self and tell you a simple: NO!! the two religions are different. way different.

Why is puja important ritual for the Hindu?

Puja is important for the Hindus because this signifies their love to God and a way to keep them happy and pleased. Puja also is a way for some Hindus to loose stress by focusing on God, it is said that their stress goes away. It is also for the same reason Mass and Church is important for us Christians and Mosque is important for the Muslims

Who gave the idea of a separate homeland for the Muslims of India?

No one demanded a separate nation for Muslims. Muslims never felt that they are a separate nation. They are, and should be by religion requirements, an integral and active part in any community they belonging even if they are a minority in this community.The Muslim is called, by religion, to be everywhere considering the both wings of Islam religion;the first wing is to keep performing the ritual worships, andthe second wing is to keep performing good deeds to the benefit of himself, family, community, and mankind.As no bird can fly conveniently with only one wing or with one wing weaker than the other, Muslim can't be welcomed in the Heavens unless he is keeping good balance of the two Islam wings.Looking around, one finds good examples of Muslims of different nationalities, almost in every country of the world, doing well for their community and doing well for humanity even in countries where they are a minority. To realize that never Muslims felt they are a separate nation, one may go back by his memory to the time when Muslims were in Spain and compare Muslims contributions in Spain when they were of control of the country and how the other side reacted when they took control of the country out of Muslims there. One may recall the contributions of Muslims to the development of various sciences for the benefit of mankind (regardless religion, race or culture) and may look to their past and current contributions in the international institutions and in national communities, to realize that Muslims never feel they are an isolated nation or demand a separate nation.

Why does Donald trump want to ban Muslims from the US?

He associates Muslims with terrorists and jihadists, and thinks that banning all Muslims will keep them out.

What is ramzan?

it is an EId one of the celebrations of Muslims which is celebrated after the month of ramadan in which muslims keep their fasts :)

What is ramzan eid?

it is an EId one of the celebrations of Muslims which is celebrated after the month of ramadan in which muslims keep their fasts :)