God loved the devil but then the devil wanted to have lots of power so god send the devil to hell
We're told that Lucifer was created as only God can create things: PERFECTLY! But that Lucifer, later, "corrupted himself."
"Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created; TILL iniquity was found in thee... Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness..." (Ezek.28:15-17).
The biblical evidence is that Lucifer was the first to display all the weaknesses that are prone to the flesh: "envy, jealousy, lust and greed"... only taking it to a universal level, launching sin from earth, where he originally harbored these thoughts and let them fester within him, against the throne of God in heaven.
"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven [it has always been Lucifer's heart's desire to "go to heaven"], I will exalt my throne above the stars of God... I will ASCEND ABOVE THE CLOUDS; I will be like the Most High." (Isa.14:13-14)
Clouds are a phenomenon within the earth's atmosphere. Lucifer stood on the earth when he thought his thoughts.
It was Lucifer who is the "originator of sin" ["...Sin is the transgression of the law." - I John 3:4; the law, being the Ten Commandments].
"...He was a murderer from the beginning... When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and THE FATHER [originator] OF IT." (John 8:44)
Man has sinned, to be sure. But innocent man, inexperienced in life and living, was coerced into it by the originator of sin, who appealed to the weaknesses of their flesh. While Lucifer, a perfect "ministering spirit" [Heb.1:14] of God, wasn't urged, coerced or seduced by anyone but by his own narcissistic self-absorption and volition.
The devil is a religious construction originally imagined by the early Christians. Atheist are not concerned with the Devil since they are not concerned with religious matters and believing in supernatural figures.
Satan, sometimes called Lucifer, the fallen angel who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. a defiant angel who thought he could defeat God,they battled and god won,so god banished him to hell for punishment!he used to be Gods greatest angel,untill he tried overpowering God,which failed:)
it means gods angel
No, the Devil is not a god. The Devil is in fact Lucifer. Lucifer is an archangel like Michael or Gabriel. He was created by God to serve God. He then had a problem when God created man after his own image and put man above angels. The pursuing argument got Lucifer cast out of Gods kingdom and from the glory of Gods presence. Lucifer swore he would show God that man was evil and unworthy of Gods love. Not quite sure how this story is going to end?
It was the devil who was after gods heart.
In the same place you find gods, in your mind.
An angel has often been used as a messenger from God to reveal His will. One example of this is the appearance of the angel Gabriel to Mary to announce that she would become pregnant with Jesus and what His mission would be.
"The Devil" is an imaginary, supernatural being- a religious construction originally based on a fallen angel. An atheist does not believe in supernatural gods or other beings. It would be highly unusual to find someone who calls him/herself a true atheist, but also believes that "the Devil" exists.
All the ancient gods were born gods - they did not become gods by doing something perticular.
An angel.
Satan was once an angle. He though he was better than God, and wanted to take Gods place on the throne of heaven. God instantly kick him out of heaven and into hell. The Bible tells a better story than I did.
It's impossible for a mortal to become a God