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They can learn together and they also can communicate with each other.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

because alot of muslim countries are at war and knowing another language is good if they want to move to Another Country

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Q: How did having common language help scholars in the Islamic world?
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How did having a common language help scholars in the Muslim world?

In an Islamic inspired effort to learn, Muslims gathered knowledge and information from all over the earth, originally in many different languages. When all of the information was translated into one common language, Muslims were able to peice together learnings to contribute to the scientific revolution greatly. Astronomy, Chemistry, and Algebra were all shaped by the learnngs of Muslim scholars.

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when much of Europe was struggling out of the Dark Ages, the emperor of Timbuktu having stunning mosques built, and thousands of scholars from as far as Islamic India and Moorish Spain were studying the city

Why was the acceptance of the Arab language important to the empire?

Having a single language in use across the Islamic Caliphates provided an easier transmission of information (allowing for the proliferation of science) and a more contiguous and homogeneous culture. This made it much easier to govern and to progress. Additionally, Arabic was the language of Islamic Religious Texts (both the Qur'an and its exegetical material).

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The language us variable. C++ is common. But having software to manipulate the robotics is common. Are you wanting to create your own program or...?

A group of families having a common ancestor speaking the same language and sharing customs is?

A clan.

How does a community benefit from having a common language?

A community benefits from having a common language because it facilitates the transport of information within the community. Effective communication is so critical for social aspects of a community that it could hardly exist without it. Imagine trying to effect government, commerce, law, or almost any aspect of everyday life requiring social interaction without a common language.

When A group of families having a common ancestor speaking the same language and sharing customs is .?

A tribe(:xx

What was the most important reason for having a common language in an empire?

Having a common language in an empire helped facilitate communication, administration, and governance across vast territories. It promoted unity among diverse populations, improved trade and cultural exchange, and ensured effective implementation of laws and policies.

Which are the two continents having Islamic states?

Asia And Africa

How did language expand the Muslim Empire?

The question makes an assumption which reverses what actually happened historically. As the Islamic Caliphates expanded, they led to the homogenization of the languages under their authority and the proliferation as Arabic as the dominant language of communication. It was not Arabic that led to the growth of the Islamic Empires, rather the Islamic Empires that led to the growth of Arabic.Once we start getting into international politics and peaceful Islamic evangelism, having a written language, such as Arabic was, was very impressive to the rulers of several empires, especially the Kingdom of Ghana. In order to educate his civil servants about writing, he embraced Islam and set up Islamic schools. In this way Islam spread to new empires, but these regions did not join with the dominant Caliphates in the Middle East and North Africa, but remained independent empires.

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Should an Islamic country Americanize its system or not?

No relation at all between an Islamic country and an American system. The country is called Islamic country by having majority of its population as Muslim. An American system is applied in any country, Islamic or non Islamic, if they find it better for their economy and society.