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While it covered an enormous arc of religious doctrines and para-religious subjects ( such as church music, etc) Vatican II had little or no impact on Section V of the Canon Law- that dealing with the Matrimonial laws and practices. Direct oppositional language to other faiths was, of course toned down and expressions like ( Heretic and Schismatic) throttled back or even switched off the line. To the best of my knowledge the possibility of eliminating or even modifying the doctrine of Priestly Celibacy was never even discussed. It is within the scope of church laws that Could be modified by a future pope.

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Q: How did Vatican II change Marriage?
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Can you remarry in Vatican 2 when you were previously married in Vatican 1?

No, Vatican Council I and II were Ecumenical Councils of the Church, they had nothing whatsoever to do with whether someone was validly married. That being said, there was a movement after Vatican Council II to try and see more factors which might possibly invalidate a marriage. However, to the best of my knowledge, the Holy Father has put a stop to this. Either way, you could never "remarry". The only time that you could have a second marriage was if they proved that the first marriage was not valid to begin with, thus the second marriage would not really be a second marriage.

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There is no change in significance before or after.

Where did Vatican ii take place?

Vatican Council II (1962 - 1965) was held in Vatican City located in Rome, Italy.

How long did Vatican II last?

Vatican II lasted approximately 3 years: 1962-1965.

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Where was the 1962-65 Vatican held?

In Vatican City, thus the name Vatican Council II.

Who was pope during Vatican II?

Popes John XXIII and Paul VI were popes during Vatican II.

What language did the Second Vatican Council change in the Catholic church?

The language of the Church is Latin. Vatican II changed the Mass to be in the language of the people of the country. Latin remains the universal language of the church.

Who was pope at the end of the Second Vatican Council?

Pope Paul VI closed Vatican II.

What has the author Gilles Routhier written?

Gilles Routhier has written: 'Vatican II' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, History, Influence, Vatican Council (2nd : 1962-1965) 'Receptins De Vatican II'

Who lived in the Vatican and died in 2005?

Pope John Paul II died in the Vatican in April 2005.

When did the catholic church start saying mass in English?

After the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II).