After his claimed revelation after ascending to the Third Level of heaven, he became a missionary spreading his new code, spreading his version of it, denigrating his rivals and exhorting his converts to maintaining this new code. This pre-dated the gospels by a century, and his writings provided a basis for the new religion and its competing elements until it was codified in about 180 CE by adoption of the four gospels.
Paul's legacy includes his significant contributions to the spread of early Christianity, his writing of many influential letters that are now part of the New Testament, and his role in shaping key theological concepts within Christianity. Additionally, Paul's missionary journeys helped establish Christian communities in various regions, leaving a lasting impact on the growth and development of the early church.
The one single event that probably most influenced the early development of Christianity was the decision of Paul to permit gentiles to become Christians without the trauma of circumcision.
It is said that Paul, a persecutor of the early Christians, had a vision on the Damascus Road, was temporarily blinded, and when his vision was restored, he "saw the truth" and became one of early Christianity's most avid supporters.
The apostle Paul probably had the greatest influence on Christianity.
Paul's Epistle to the Galatians is important in two ways. It provides an insight into the apostle Paul, and it provides important background regarding the history of early Christianity, against which the only other early Church history, Acts of the Apostles, can be compared and verified or corrected.
Paul D. Ackerman has written: 'Story repetition and early language development'
paul spreaded christianity throughout the empire
St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.St. Paul traveled to spread the teachings of Christianity and to attract converts.
There are no historical evidence that Jerusalem was ever the center of Christianity. Most activities of the early Christians happen in the country of St. Paul, in Turkey.
The Apostle: "Paul", formerly "Saul of Tarsus"!
I think defined not redefined, because that was just the beginning of Christianity so Paul was defining what Christianity is.
Paul is a big one, and wrote a lot of the new testament..... Jesus started the movement though,,,