

Best Answer

Answer 1

There's something of a pattern in the relationship of a conquering ethnic group to its defeated rivals, and Muslims are not immune to it. First, if the struggle has been arduous (hard), there's likely to be an orgy of slaughter and desecration. Then, as things settle down, or if the conquest was relatively unopposed, the conquered peoples are welcomed to align themselves with their new overlords, adopting their language, religion, customs and serving in their armies. Sometimes, when the population is large and the conquering forces few, the adoption of custom will work the other way, with the conquerors adopting at least some, and occasionally most, of their conquests' customs.

In the more common pattern, though, the conquered people will be reduced to a role best described as "second class"; the Muslims call their version "dhimmi." It involves a stripping of whatever civil rights were enjoyed prior to the conquest and an increasingly burdensome list of obligations.

With Islam specifically, there is pressure to apostasize from one's religion and become a Muslim, although there are situations where this is not done because the taxes imposed on the non-Muslims (called jizyah) are a major support of the state.

Answer 2

Muslims treat all people; Muslims and/or non-Muslims; irrelevant to their faiths; with tolerance, forgiveness, and mutual respect. This stems from the Islam teachings per Muslims holy book Quran and per prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teachings. Muslims treat Christians and Jews and all non Muslims kindly and with tolerance so far they don't attack Muslims, they don't expel them from their lands and homes, and/or they don't fight them. Quran; Muslims holy book, and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) call for kind treatment and with tolerance with all non-Muslims. Muslims follow the Islam teachings that no compulsion in religion. They conquered land but never conquered people. It was their aim to free the will people and not to exploit them or exploit their resources. Refer to the example of Spain. Muslims transferred to Spain all kinds of development and technologies. Refer to questions below.

Answer 3

Muslims treated non-Muslims in a way that was superior to contemporaneous civilizations and introduced the concept of religious tolerance (as opposed to Europe which was practicing the exact opposite at the time). However, it is nothing close to the Muslim conception given above nor was it at all close to equality or Rights. An important thing to note is that the concept of Rights comes out the Enlightenment. Prior to this point, there was a system of privilege wherein the Ruler would provide privileges (out of the kindness of his heart) to a certain group of people to do acts. A person did not have the "right" to anything and this was the mentality worldwide.

The Pact of Omar a document of submission signed by the Caliph Omar and defeated Christians and Jews during one of Omar's Wars. While the factual accuracy of that story may be doubted, there is no doubt that the Pact of Omar formed the basis for the treatment of non-Muslims in the conquered territories. The Pact of Omar set out a number of regulations that will be described in this answer.

The Dhimmi, or non-Muslim under Muslim occupation was required by the Pact of Omar to pay a number of taxes that were connected with his Dhimmi status. The most famous was the jizya, which was a tax that Dhimmi had to pay for Muslims for the right to not be killed where they stood for not acknowledging Mohammed's Prophecy; it was a form of humiliation. Additional taxes included the kharaj, which was a tax on non-Muslim land-holdings in the Muslim World. The kharaj was so untenable that most Dhimmi were forced to live in the cities where the tax would not be applicable. The above answer is also incorrect as concerns justice. On paper, a Christian or Jew could testify against a Muslim, but in reality, such testimony was not acceptable and the attempt to defame a Muslim would receive retribution. Christians and Jews were not allowed to build new houses of worship, restore old houses of worship, proselytize in any way (this included religious debate or dialogue), or allow wine or pigs to be shown in public.

Polytheists were forced to convert to Islam with some rare exceptions (such as the Hindus in India). Zoroastrianism was the majority faith in Iran until Islam almost completely extinguished it, both by sword, economic inequality, and brutal repression of Zoroastrian customs (unless they could be Islamicized like Nourouz).

Answer 4

Muslims are different of Islam. there are different sects and cults of Muslims. and each of them have different interpret of Islam and each claim to have real Islam. some of them treated well and some bad. some of them even forced conquered people to kill each other. and some other treated with peace. but Islam says conquered people should accept Islam or pay a tax (Jaziyah) and remain on their own religion.

Answer 5 (comment on Answer 3 and 4)

The jizya is a tax that to be paid by non Muslims not as mentioned above in order not to be killed but in order to be exempted from joining the military service. That is way it was not imposed on women, children, old or sick people as well as special need people. The kharaj is paid by non Muslims the same way paid by also Muslims and this was to help the poor and needy people as a matter of social solidarity. Justice per Islam teachings never differentiate between Muslims and non Muslims. Example is the case when the Caliph Ali raised a case against a Jew and claiming that the Jew had stolen Ali's armour and Judge decided that the armour is for the Jew because Ali was unable to give a proof. This persuaded the Jew to convert to Islam as the armour was in fact belonging to Ali.

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The word "well" is nebulous. In the Middle Ages, Muslims treated non-Muslims in a way that was superior to contemporaneous civilizations and introduced the concept of religious tolerance (as opposed to Europe which was practicing the exact opposite at the time). However, it is nothing close to equality or Rights. An important thing to note is that the concept of Rights comes out the Enlightenment. Prior to this point, there was a system of privilege wherein the Ruler would provide privileges (out of the kindness of his heart) to a certain group of people to do acts. A person did not have the "right" to anything and this was the mentality worldwide.

The Pact of Omar was a document of submission signed by the Caliph Omar and defeated Christians and Jews during one of Omar's Wars. While the factual accuracy of that story may be doubted, there is no doubt that the Pact of Omar formed the basis for the treatment of non-Muslims in the conquered territories. The Pact of Omar set out a number of regulations that will be described in this answer.

The Dhimmi, or non-Muslim under Muslim occupation was required by the Pact of Omar to pay a number of taxes that were connected with his Dhimmi status. The most famous was the jizya, which was a tax that Dhimmi had to pay for Muslims for the right to not be killed where they stood for not acknowledging Mohammed's Prophecy; it was a form of humiliation. Additional taxes included the kharaj, which was a tax on non-Muslim* land-holdings in the Muslim World. The kharaj was so untenable that most Dhimmi were forced to live in the cities where the tax would not be applicable. There was also inequality concerning the justice system. On paper, a Christian or Jew could testify against a Muslim, but in reality, such testimony was not acceptable and the attempt to defame a Muslim would receive retribution. Christians and Jews were not allowed to build new houses of worship, restore old houses of worship, proselytize in any way (this included religious debate or dialogue), or allow wine or pigs to be shown in public.

Polytheists were forced to convert to Islam with some rare exceptions (such as the Hindus in India). Zoroastrianism was the majority faith in Iran until Islam almost completely extinguished it, both by sword, economic inequality, and brutal repression of Zoroastrian customs (unless they could be Islamicized like Nourouz).

This system of inequality between Muslims and non-Muslims persisted up to the colonial period, when it reversed. As a result of colonization, the segregated Dhimmi System gave way to a new, modern bureaucratic system where Europeans were the dominant class and natives, regardless of their religion were second-class, unless they became part of the bureaucracy. To do this, a person would require an education in order to become literate and be able to successfully perform functions in the Arab World. As Jews and Christians sought education, they were able to ascend the hierarchy and become relatively powerful compared to the Muslim majority. When the Islamic World became independent, only the Lebanese Christians were able to maintain this dominant position (and only until the Lebanese Civil War of 1975-1991). In other countries, the end of colonization saw a brief rise in Anti-Semitism followed by a mass exodus of Jews from majority-Muslim countries for Israel, UK, France, the United States and Canada. Those Jews and Christians who remained garnered a more equal status than anything that they had previously had under Muslim leadership, but still are unequal in terms of their inability to proselytize, the unofficial "requirement" to avoid offending Islam in public, and the need to seek the authority of high government officials to build new houses of worship or to repair existing ones.

*Although Muslims also had to pay the kharaj in theory, in practice the tax rate for kharaj on Muslims was slight compared to the amount required by the Dhimmi peoples.

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11y ago

Answer 1

There's something of a pattern in the relationship of a conquering ethnic group to its defeated rivals, and Muslims are not immune to it. First, if the struggle has been arduous (hard), there's likely to be an orgy of slaughter and desecration. Then, as things settle down, or if the conquest was relatively unopposed, the conquered peoples are welcomed to align themselves with their new overlords, adopting their language, religion, customs and serving in their armies. Sometimes, when the population is large and the conquering forces few, the adoption of custom will work the other way, with the conquerors adopting at least some, and occasionally most, of their conquests' customs.

In the more common pattern, though, the conquered people will be reduced to a role best described as "second class"; the Muslims call their version "dhimmi." It involves a stripping of whatever civil rights were enjoyed prior to the conquest and an increasingly burdensome list of obligations.

With Islam specifically, there is pressure to apostasize from one's religion and become a Muslim, although there are situations where this is not done because the taxes imposed on the non-Muslims (called jizyah) are a major support of the state.

Answer 2

Muslims treat all people; Muslims and/or non-Muslims; irrelevant to their faiths; with tolerance, forgiveness, and mutual respect. This stems from the Islam teachings per Muslims holy book Quran and per prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teachings. Muslims treat Christians and Jews and all non Muslims kindly and with tolerance so far they don't attack Muslims, they don't expel them from their lands and homes, and/or they don't fight them. Quran; Muslims holy book, and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) call for kind treatment and with tolerance with all non-Muslims. Muslims follow the Islam teachings that no compulsion in religion. They conquered land but never conquered people. It was their aim to free the will people and not to exploit them or exploit their resources. Refer to the example of Spain. Muslims transferred to Spain all kinds of development and technologies. Refer to questions below.

Answer 3

Muslims treated non-Muslims in a way that was superior to contemporaneous civilizations and introduced the concept of religious tolerance (as opposed to Europe which was practicing the exact opposite at the time). However, it is nothing close to the Muslim conception given above nor was it at all close to equality or Rights. An important thing to note is that the concept of Rights comes out the Enlightenment. Prior to this point, there was a system of privilege wherein the Ruler would provide privileges (out of the kindness of his heart) to a certain group of people to do acts. A person did not have the "right" to anything and this was the mentality worldwide.

The Pact of Omar a document of submission signed by the Caliph Omar and defeated Christians and Jews during one of Omar's Wars. While the factual accuracy of that story may be doubted, there is no doubt that the Pact of Omar formed the basis for the treatment of non-Muslims in the conquered territories. The Pact of Omar set out a number of regulations that will be described in this answer.

The Dhimmi, or non-Muslim under Muslim occupation was required by the Pact of Omar to pay a number of taxes that were connected with his Dhimmi status. The most famous was the jizya, which was a tax that Dhimmi had to pay for Muslims for the right to not be killed where they stood for not acknowledging Mohammed's Prophecy; it was a form of humiliation. Additional taxes included the kharaj, which was a tax on non-Muslim land-holdings in the Muslim World. The kharaj was so untenable that most Dhimmi were forced to live in the cities where the tax would not be applicable. The above answer is also incorrect as concerns justice. On paper, a Christian or Jew could testify against a Muslim, but in reality, such testimony was not acceptable and the attempt to defame a Muslim would receive retribution. Christians and Jews were not allowed to build new houses of worship, restore old houses of worship, proselytize in any way (this included religious debate or dialogue), or allow wine or pigs to be shown in public.

Polytheists were forced to convert to Islam with some rare exceptions (such as the Hindus in India). Zoroastrianism was the majority faith in Iran until Islam almost completely extinguished it, both by sword, economic inequality, and brutal repression of Zoroastrian customs (unless they could be Islamicized like Nourouz).

Answer 4

Muslims are different of Islam. there are different sects and cults of Muslims. and each of them have different interpret of Islam and each claim to have real Islam. some of them treated well and some bad. some of them even forced conquered people to kill each other. and some other treated with peace. but Islam says conquered people should accept Islam or pay a tax (Jaziyah) and remain on their own religion.

Answer 5 (comment on Answer 3 and 4)

The jizya is a tax that to be paid by non Muslims not as mentioned above in order not to be killed but in order to be exempted from joining the military service. That is way it was not imposed on women, children, old or sick people as well as special need people. The kharaj is paid by non Muslims the same way paid by also Muslims and this was to help the poor and needy people as a matter of social solidarity. Justice per Islam teachings never differentiate between Muslims and non Muslims. Example is the case when the Caliph Ali raised a case against a Jew and claiming that the Jew had stolen Ali's armour and Judge decided that the armour is for the Jew because Ali was unable to give a proof. This persuaded the Jew to convert to Islam as the armour was in fact belonging to Ali.

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11y ago

The non-Muslim conquerors:

  • Opposed high grade education
  • Initiated religious and tribal disputes
  • Spread false values and ideas against Islam
  • Planted the seeds of hatred among different political parties and/or fronts
  • Plotted for the natives of the country; who follow the interest and guides of the conquerors; to be in power
  • Offered weapons to conflicting parties in the country to maintain the country in disputes.

Examples are Iraq and Afghanistan.

Currently, the new non-Muslim conquerors policy is not to invade the country by their own military troops but by making use of local natives or imported foreigners and weaponizing and bribing them. Examples are what is going on currently in Syria and Libya.

see links below for more information.

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11y ago

Muslims treat all non-Muslims; irrelevant to their faiths; with tolerance, forgiveness, and mutual respect. This stems from the Islam teachings per Muslims holy book Quran and per prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teachings. Muslims treat Christians and Jews and all non Muslims kindly and with tolerance so far they don't attack Muslims, they don't expel them from their lands and homes, and/or they don't fight them. Quran; Muslims holy book, and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) call for kind treatment and with tolerance with all non-Muslims. Muslims follow the Islam teachings that no compulsion in religion. They conquered land but never conquered people. It was their aim to free the will people and not to exploit them or exploit their resources. Refer to the example of Spain. Muslims transferred to Spain all kinds of development and technologies. Refer to questions below.

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Muslims treat all non-Muslims; irrelevant to their faiths; with tolerance, forgiveness, and mutual respect. This stems from the Islam teachings per Muslims holy book Quran and per prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teachings. Muslims treat Christians and Jews and all non Muslims kindly and with tolerance so far they don't attack Muslims, they don't expel them from their lands and homes, and/or they don't fight them. Quran; Muslims holy book, and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) call for kind treatment and with tolerance with all non-Muslims. Muslims follow the Islam teachings that no compulsion in religion. They conquered land but never conquered people. It was their aim to free the will people and not to exploit them or exploit their resources. Refer to the example of Spain. Muslims transferred to Spain all kinds of development and technologies. Refer to questions below.

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The Muslims conquered Iraq, Iran, and Siberia.

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How did Muslims treat people?

Muslims treat all people; Muslims and/or non-Muslims; irrelevant to their faiths; with tolerance, forgiveness, and mutual respect. This stems from the Islam teachings per Muslims holy book Quran and per prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teachings. Muslims treat Christians and Jews and all non Muslims kindly and with tolerance so far they don't attack Muslims, they don't expel them from their lands and homes, and/or they don't fight them. Quran; Muslims holy book, and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) call for kind treatment and with tolerance with all non-Muslims. Muslims follow the Islam teachings that no compulsion in religion. They conquered land but never conquered people. It was their aim to free the will people and not to exploit them or exploit their resources. Refer to the example of Spain. Muslims transferred to Spain all kinds of development and technologies. Refer to questions below.,

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Muslims treat all non-Muslims; irrelevant to their faiths; with tolerance and mutual respect. This stems from the Islam teachings per Muslims holy book Quran and per prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teachings. Muslims treat Christians and Jews and all non Muslims kindly and with tolerance so far they don't attack Muslims, they don't expel them from their lands and homes, and/or they don't fight them. Quran; Muslims holy book, and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) call for kind treatment and with tolerance with all non-Muslims. Muslims follow the Islam teachings that no compulsion in religion. They conquered land but never conquered people. It was their aim to free the will people and not to exploit them or exploit their resources. Refer to the example of Spain. Muslims transferred to Spain all kinds of development and technologies. Even when they withdrew from Spain, the Jews that were oppressed in Spain didn't find any place to accept them except Islamic countries in Morocco and Egypt and elsewhere of Islamic countries Refer to questions below for more information.

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