Mendelssohn was very influential over the Jewish religion. His interest in Western philosophy convinced him that Enlightenment teachings should not be different to Jewish thought and religion. He believed that these ideas were necessary to help strengthen the religion. Mendelssohn also brought the ghetto to the dominant culture and combined the two different worlds. He was involved in the Jewish Enlightenment with his main goal being to help use scientific principles to help understand Judaism
The Pharisees which were Jewish religious leaders
Allan Arkush has written: 'Moses Mendelssohn and the Enlightenment' -- subject(s): Enlightenment, Haskalah, Influence, Jewish Philosophy
Religious influence? If a food is kosher, it is produced in compliance with the laws found within the Torah, the Jewish holy book.
I don't know his parents name, but his grandfather was Moses Mendelssohn, the influential Jewish philosopher.
Jewish thought is God-centered. Hence God's will is the measure of all things. Greek thought is man-centered. Hence 'man is the measure of all things.' Thus, it could be said that much Jewish thought is religious whereas Greek thought is inherently secular, although major generalizations always have their exceptions.
Because the Germans and their collaborators thought that if they killed all of the Jewish children, that their whole religious population would die.
The Jewish religious teachers are Rabbis.
Edward Feld has written: 'The spirit of renewal' -- subject(s): Doctrines, Holocaust (Jewish theology), Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945), Influence, Judaism, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Suffering, Suffering
Post WWII Jewish immigrants to the US often had little money and were attracted to Mogen David because it is kosher, had a low low price , and had the name David in the brand which was (is) of religious significance. It is rumored that the original MD label resembled a Jewish religious ornament as well.
The term used for Jewish Religious Law is Halakha,
Marvin Nathan has written: 'The attitude of the Jewish student in the colleges and universities towards his religion' -- subject(s): Attitude (Psychology), Jews, Judaism, Religious Psychology, Religious life, Religious thought, Students
St. Paul studied under the famous Jewish teacher Gamaliel. Gamaliel was a highly respected Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin, known for his wisdom and influence in Jewish religious teachings.