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Christianity is the natural 'offshoot' of Judaism considering that Jesus was born a Jew as were all of His Apostles and early disciples. So in this sense then, it is Christianity that is 'influenced' by Judaism.

The above being said, Jesus came to correct the interpretations of the 'letter of the Law' and fill it to the top with its spiritual meanings - as the Law of God is spirit - "For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin." (Romans 7:14). Upon His sacrifice for all mankind, God released His Holy Spirit into the world for all who repent, get baptized and follow His Son. This is the first time it is given freely to all since the fall in the Garden of Eden. Now, not only the Congregation of Israel (primarily the Jews at that time) are 'chosen' by God, but all are freely invited to become His children (2 Corinthians 6:18).

To this extent then, many of the Jewish faith have chosen Jesus as their Messiah and follow him in this world. They are referred to as Messianic Jews. Of course those of Judaism that have not chosen this path have had to react to Jesus in a variety of ways and in many written commentaries. They still await the coming of their messiah while Christians await His 2nd Coming. Only time will tell which group is correct.

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Issac Crist

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10y ago

Christianity is the natural 'offshoot' of Judaism considering that Jesus was born a Jew as were all of His Apostles and early disciples. So in this sense then, it is Christianity that is 'influenced' by Judaism.

The above being said, Jesus came to correct the interpretations of the 'letter of the Law' and fill it to the top with its spiritual meanings - as the Law of God is spirit - "For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin." (Romans 7:14). Upon His sacrifice for all mankind, God released His Holy Spirit into the world for all who repent, get baptized and follow His Son. This is the first time it is given freely to all since the fall in the Garden of Eden. Now, not only the Congregation of Israel (primarily the Jews at that time) are 'chosen' by God, but all are freely invited to become His children (2 Corinthians 6:18).

To this extent then, many of the Jewish faith have chosen Jesus as their Messiah and follow him in this world. They are referred to as Messianic Jews. Of course those of Judaism that have not chosen this path have had to react to Jesus in a variety of ways and in many written commentaries. They still await the coming of their messiah while Christians await His 2nd Coming. Only time will tell which group is correct.

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