Integrity is consistence of ideals, judgement, wisdom ect.
I would have to say, in his life and teachings.
If you believe that Jesus is God - Jesus must have put the star to show where he was born! If you believe that Jesus is a Prophet - then God must have put the star to show where Jesus was born.
you show that you have accepted JESUS by following HIM....................
It is perfectly fine to show a picture of Jesus Christ
Show - The Jesus Lizard album - was created on 1993-12-19.
he kissed Jesus
it showed that Jesus was truly dead
He was a big fan of the show "FRIENDS"
Jesus had authority from God, his Father in heaven.
The bible says Jesus was filled with comassion.
AnswerMark's Gospel does not really show Jesus as God, but in verse 1:11 it does have God call Jesus his beloved son. Among the gospels, only John really describes Jesus as wholly divine.
What gospel grop sing Say You Love Jesus You ought t show some sign
Peter repented after Jesus looked at him, and wept bitterly.