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As Jesus was sinless , he could not fall into sin in the wilderness.

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Jesus quoted from scripture/God's word

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Q: How did Jesus react to all these temptations of Satan?
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What were the temptations that Jesus faced after his 40 days in the desert?

Actually, Jesus was tempted during the 40 days in the wilderness, not after. Satan offered Him power, land and riches, all of which Jesus refused. Then Satan wanted Jesus to prove He was the son of God, again, Jesus would have no part of it.

What manner of kingdom is that of Jesus when Satan tempts Jesus?

Satan was tempting Jesus with all powers. This is written as all the kingdoms in the world. Satan was tempting Jesus to get all powers in exchange for worship of Satan. One surprising element of this story is that Satan's ability to give Jesus all powers suggests that Satan has all powers.

Did Jesus give into temptation?

According to Christian belief, Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert but did not give in to temptation. He resisted temptation by quoting Scripture and remained faithful to God.

How many times was Jesus tempted by Satan just after His baptism?

Jesus was tempted three times by satan in the wilderness.AnswerIn the original account, in Mark's Gospel, there is no suggestion of a number of temptations, simply a narrative that Jesus was tempted by Satan, while being ministered by angels.The hypothetical 'Q' document elaborates on this, with detailed accounts of Satan tempting Jesus three times: to make stones into bread to eat; then taking Jesus up into a mountain and showing him all the kingdoms of the world, to be his to rule if he worships Satan; finally taking him to Jerusalem and sitting him on a pinnacle of the Temple and saying to prove he is the Son of God by jumping down and surviving. Luke's Gospel reflects the additional material in 'Q'. Matthew has the same three temptations by Satan, but reverses the order of the last two.

What does the story of the three temptations in the desert tell us about Jesus' understanding of his messiahship?

He was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin, (Hebrews 4.15)

Is Jesus Satan the morning star?

No, Jesus and Satan are not the same being. In Christian tradition, Jesus is the Son of God and Savior, while Satan is a fallen angel known for rebellion and temptation. The title "morning star" is used metaphorically in reference to both Jesus and Satan in different contexts in the Bible.

Who was defeated for all time at Jesus' resurrection?

It is typically believed that Satan was defeated for all time when Jesus was resurrected.

What were the three tests that Jesus did in the wilderness?

The three tests are: 1) when Satan asked JESUS to transform the rocks to bread (Mathiew 4:3,4). 2) when Satan asked JESUS to throw Himself from above (Mathiew 4:5,6,7). 3) when Satan asked JESUS to give him the glory and Satan will give JESUS all the nations of the world. (Mathiew 4:8,9,10).

Is Jesus the morning star?

No. Jesus and Satan are two very different individuals. However, there is difficulty between the King James translation of scripture and the NIV and other newer translations of The Bible. There's way too much detail in the problems of translation to go into here, but both Jesus and Satan are referred to as a morning star in the NIV. In the KJ Bible they are not. Even without regard to the various translations of scripture, is clear that Jesus and Satan are nothing alike. As God, Christ is an eternal being having no beginning and no end. Satan is a created being, created by God. God is sovereign, meaning powerful over all, while Satan cannot claim such power. Jesus refers to Satan at the devil, as a murderer. In the desert during Christ's temptations, Satan offered the world to Jesus if Jesus would only bow down to worship him. These two are set apart clearly in scripture. As to the correct interpretation of the morning star, your guess is as good as mine.

When Mormons pray why don't they say Our Dear Heavenly Father of Satan since it's the truth according to them?

Because Mormons believe that God the Father is the Father and creator of ALL THINGS, including you, me, Jesus Christ, and Satan. Therefore we are all brothers and sisters. Just as you and I are brothers, Jesus is our brother, Satan is our brother, and Jesus and Satan are brothers. The difference is Satan was rebellious and tried to take the power of his Father, and therefore was cast out. We don't close our prayers that way because Satan lost all the opportunities and privileges that come with being a child of God when he rebelled.

What was Jesus offered if he was to worship Satan?

He offered him the entire world. Backspace

How could Jesus be tempted 3 times yet it Says after Satan tempted Him in All things he departed?

1) Satan said to Jesus, who was fasting, if you are hungry, turn the bread into stones. Jesus said man does not live by bread alone, but, by every word that comes from God. 2) Satan said to Jesus, why not throw yourself off a cliff and see if the angels will catch you? Jesus said not to put God to the test and force God to save you. 3) Satan then said that if Jesus were to worship him (the devil), then the devil would give all the kingdoms on Earth to rule. Jesus said, thou shall worship the Lord God, and no other than the Lord God. With that, the devil, Satan, departed. Jesus refused to do what the devil said, and the devil gave up trying to tempt Jesus.