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Praise be to Allah, Islam is a peaceful and truest religion. It is the second world's largest religion in the world and people are opening up their hearts to the truth starting from here to there, then there to right there.

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12y ago


By good manners and good deeds, and somtimes thru conquest

Actually, they resorted to fighting (by force) in battles called Islamic Conquests.


The First Answer is right....If any one thinks its spread by force,he must read this :

Leopold Weiss (now Mohammed Asad): Austrian statesman, journalist, former foreign correspondent for the Frankfurter Zeitung; author of Islam at Cross Roads and Road to Mecca and translator of the Qur'an. He embraced Islam in 1926.

"Islam appears to me like a perfect work of Architecture. All its parts are harmoniously conceived to complement and support each other. Nothing is superfluous and nothing lacking, with the result of an absolute balance and solid composure."

2. Ahmed Holt: British Civil Contractor, traveler in search of the Divine truth, spent much of his time in research and comparative study of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He embraced Islam in 1975.

"The SWORD OF ISLAM is not the sword of steel. I know this by experience, because the sword of Islam struck deep into my own heart. It didn't bring death, but it brought a new life; it brought an awareness and it brought an awakening as to who am I and what am I and for what am I here?"

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14y ago

Some of the reasons are:

  • Islam religion is based on very clear terms and logistics that are easily understood by even low educated people.
  • It calls for worship one and only one God and calls for having faith in all God prophets and God holy books.
  • It calls, in principle to submission to God with no partners and to perform good deeds for humankind benefits.
  • It supports and encourages science and scientists. All Quran scientific statements, that were revealed in the seventh century, had been proved by current scientific developments and discoveries. So, no conflict between Islam religion and science.
  • Prophet Muhammad is the only prophet that all his sayings and practices are fully recorded and are covering all aspects of life. So, prophet Muhammad is an integral human model in religion, in peace, in war, in State ruling, in marriage, in treating people, in morals and conduct, in normal life of trading, shopping, interacting with people, money borrowing and lending, ...
  • Quran is the only holy book that is readable till now with same original revealed God words and with the same language of revelation. It is fully memorized by millions of Muslims over all centuries and recited daily all over the world by all Muslims, at least during the daily five praying.

Refer to related questions below for more information.

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11y ago

The arrival of Muslims by expansion and conquest of the Rightly-Guided and Umayyad Conquests came between the years 640-680 C.E. Egypt fell from the Byzantine Empire in 640 C.E. Armies left Egypt during the reigns of the Umayyad Caliphs Mu'awiya and Yazid I with Morocco acceding to union with the Umayyad Caliphate in 680 C.E. Although the Islamic Empire grew through conquest, the conversions to Islam came through peaceful means. Many North Africans were quickly convinced to convert to Islam as a religion and ended up joining the Arab armies once they had converted. These populations have remained Muslim to this day.

The drift of Islam to areas of Africa south of the Sahara, like Senegal, the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai Empires, etc. occurred in the following century of merchant exchanges with the North African areas. Islam became the dominant religion in West Africa (except along the southern coast of West Africa) by around 750-800 C.E. Exact dates are difficult to know since Islam spread by trade and commerce in these areas as opposed to conquest.

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13y ago

By trading and traveling and the conquests and empires they had.

AnswerEgypt remained majority Christian until the tenth century and retained a strong Christian presence for centuries afterwards, because Christianity had been absorbed into Egyptian culture, all the way down to village level. However, to the west of Egypt, Christianity had only ever been a colonial religion, largely limited to the main cities. When the colonialists fled, there were few remaining Christians right across northern Africa (except Egypt). The native pagans were required to become Muslims, while native Christians were not strongly attached to their faith. All of North Africa, west of Egypt, quickly converted to Islam.
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it spread across the Sahara trrade routes.

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11y ago

Because Muslims traders traveled there!

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How did Islam spread across north Africa and the middle east?

By conquest. Warfare is another term.

Islam spread quickly through North America and the Middle East true or false?

FALSE. Islam spread quickly through the Middle East and North AFRICA. Islam has never been terribly successful in North America prior to the 1950s.

What is the spread of Islam throughout Africa an example of?

Islam did not spread the same way throughout all of Africa. In North Africa, Islam spread by conquest. In West Africa and along the Indian Ocean, Islam spread by contact between Muslim merchants and local Non-Muslims.

What two factors contributed to the spread of Islam in Africa?

Trade routes across the Sahara desert allowed for the exchange of goods and ideas, facilitating the spread of Islam in Africa. Muslim merchants and scholars played a role in spreading the religion through their interactions with local communities and rulers, influencing them to convert to Islam.

In The spread of Islam across North Africa and the Middle East affected the future of Axum civilization by?

Blocking its primary trade routes.

How did the spread of Islam affect political and social life in East West and South Africa?

The spread of Islam in the East, West, and South Africa was a gradual process. The spread of Islam helped with trade practices, education, and literacy.

Where did Islam spread during middle ages?

The Middle Ages were already under way when Islam began to spread in Arabia. It spread to Persia and Palestine. Then it spread into India, across North Africa, into other parts of Africa, to Asia Minor, to Central Asia, Southeast Asia, to Spain, Sicily, Southern Italy, the Balkans, the Philippines, and Indonesia. There is a link below.

What factors hindered the spread of Islam in Eastern Africa?

Spread of Islam was not hindered in east africa, it reached as far as Zambia, Mozambique and further south to Rwanda

What is the reason for increased social divisions in West Africa was?

the spread of Islam.

Who most likely introduced Islam to West Africa?

As far as I know, Muslim merchants had the honor to spread Islam in both Africa and southeastern Asia. You may find Masjids spread in western Africa carrying the names of their builders, or perhaps they are buried nearby.

What religion was spread to Africa and by whom?

Islam and by the arabs

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