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There was no Hinduism in the Buddha's day, but there were Brahmins who followed teachings found in the Vedas.

Here are some ways the Buddha's teachings disagreed with other teacher's views in his day (doctrines that would lead to what we call Hinduism):

1. He pointed out that, try as we might, we can find no "atman" -- no eternal, changeless, separate "self" that moves from life to life -- whereas those who followed the Vedas believed there was an "atman".

2. Many Brahmins of his day believed that "karma" was about what you do in rituals -- how well you performed them in order to get the universe to give you what you wanted. The Buddha redefined karma to be about the intentions behind our actions, and so when we reap the consequences of karma, we do so because of how we think about things, not just because of how we do things.

3. He taught self-reliance, whereas other religions teach that we can ask for intervention in our lives from deities.

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12y ago
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11y ago

1.No atman(soul) Caste System

3.brahman fancy rituals


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9y ago

Buddha also agree with existence of one Supreme God. Attaining Nirvana (Liberation) via meditation. & life is full of sufferings.

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9y ago

In nonviolence, Meditation & Peace both are similar. However in Hinduism when Dharma is in danger Violence is allowed, meanwhile a strict no no in Buddhism.

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4y ago

Buddha and Buddhism was and is "Antithesis" to brahminism aka hinduism!?. That means, Buddha's teachings are exact Opposite and totally against all the things referred as hinduism. For starters, hinduism is a religion never existed during Buddhas time or prior or after about 1300 years of Buddha!... What existed during Buddhas time was the "invading Aryans", who began to cause chaos and unrest in ancient India by creating meaningless vedic gods, god worshiping and rituals that are absolutely unscientific, meaningless and barbaric. The brahminic vedic teachings are created and founded on the basis of "Discrimination" of one human is superior than the other than the other. However, Buddhas teachings is founded on the principles of "all humans are equal" and every human possess great values and potentials, whereas the braminic vedic beliefs are utterly founded on some fame brahma, who's mouth came brahmans and whos should came this bs and that bs? etc?. Such a barbaric beliefs never heard of anywhere in this world and in any teachings in this world but in brahminism aka todays hinduism. In Buddhism, there is no god, no god worshiping, and no rituals, Buddha taught about human sufferings, happiness, mindfulness and how to treat fellow humans with respect and dignity, this is exactly opposite to the discriminative barbaric hinduism that believes, preaches and practices that brahmins are higher beings and only pure people, rest of all are lower beings and impure?..............such stupidity cannot find any room in Buddhas teachings. Buddhas Monasteries and Sanga or Buddhas teaching places is open to all and everyone. Whereas, the brahminic hindu temples of teachings is open only to hindus, there are numerous discrimination inside and outside hindu temples, the temple priesthood is only given to brahmins, no one else is allowed or permitted to do perform temple rituals or proceedings. The list of things are simply endless with regard to why Buddha and Buddhism is the "antithesis" of hinduism, Buddha began his path to enlightenment because of barbaric brahminisms teachings began to destroy India from within and from outside, so his beginning of finding a newer path to humanity itself based against the very hinduism. Editor, Sakyatimes dot com

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