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That information is not given. Archaeologists have found ancient wells at Be'er Sheva which vary in depth from 40 feet to 100 feet.

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Q: How deep were the wells Abraham and Isaac dug in Genesis 26?
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Did Abraham meet God?

Abraham was a 'friend' of God and kept all His commandments. The most dramatic test for Abraham was being asked to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Abraham was about to do so when God intervened via an angel. Read it for yourself in Genesis 22. Because of Abrahams deep faith, God made His covenant with Abraham irrevocable and permanent.

What is tanning in deep water wells?

You probably mean Tannin. And there is normally no tannin in deep wells. Only in shallow wells.

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Most home wells are about 50 feet deep.

In the book of Genesis what is the story of Abraham mean to you?

The story of Abraham in Genesis is about faith and obedience to God. It shows the importance of trust in God's plan, even when it seems difficult or challenging. Abraham's willingness to follow God's commands, including the ultimate test of sacrificing his son, demonstrates a deep faith and devotion to God.

Who did god ask Abraham to sacrifice?

God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac whom he got at old age. Genesis 22:1-2 tells us: "…And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of…"(kjv)

What is Abraham's relationship to God?

Abraham was a prophet of his God, which is kind of a fancy way of saying Priest/rabbi/whathaveyou. Abraham was a deep believer in his God, so he went around preaching the word of Him. He's the Jesus of Judaism, but he never claimed to be the son of God (in the Christian sense, anyway).

Who is Abraham from The Bible?

Other answers from our community:The story of Abraham is worth reading in the Bible.God told Abraham's father lto leave his home land where the people did not worship the true God. Abraham's father took his family to a new home. When Abraham's father died, God told Abraham to leave that land and He would show Abraham where God wanted Abraham to go.Abraham took his wife, and his nephew Lot and followed God to what is now Israel and the Palatinian land. Abraham never settled down in this new land but was a nomad who went form place to place to make a living. God told Abraham's descendents woudl own the land.The following things happened to Abraham.God changed his name form Abram to Abraham his wife's name from Sara to Sarah to recognize their faith.Two times Noah told his wife to claim she was his sister to save his life because he thought he would be killed so the 'kings' of the lands he moved to could marry Sarah. What Abraham told his wit to say was partially true because Sarah was his half sister. Both times Abraham was rebuked by the 'kings' Abraham was afraid of for lying to them.When Abraham's flocks and Lot his nephew's flocks became so large that their shepherds began fight over who got the water and grazing land Abraham allowed Lot to chose between mountain area and the plush valley.Lot chose the valley. That choice turned out bad because the people there were so wicked God destroyed the cities in the valley. Lot was drug out of the city by angels who were sent to rescue him.Before the cities in the value God talked to Abraham about destroying the cities and Abraham pleaded for the cities by asking God to not destroy the cities because of the righteous people. Abraham quit asking when he got down to the number of people in Lot's family. Because part of Lot's family was wicked, the cites were destroyed.Several times Abraham offered sacrifices to God as he was traveling around.In one of the more interesting events in Abraham's life he gathered a small army from his family and his employees and rescued people who had been captured by a raiding party. After Abraham's victory he paid a tithe of what he had captured to a priest whose story is never told. Even though Abraham is the father of Judaism and Christianity there was a priest of who Abraham submitted to.God tried Abraham's faith by asking him to sacrifice his son, Isaac (according to Judeo-Christian theology; Muslims believe Abraham was told to sacrifice his oldest son, Ishmael). This was significant for two reasons. If Abraham's son died there would be no heir to inherit the land God promised Abraham. If Abraham sacrificed his son, Abraham must believe in the resurrection of the dead. Once God saw that Abraham was serious (He was driving the knife towards his son) God intervened and pointed out a ram for Abraham to sacrifice.Abraham fathered Ishmael with Hagar, who was Sarah's maidservant. Sarah who was barren pleaded with Abraham to sleep with Hagar so that he might have a son. After Hagar gave birth to the boy, Sarah chased Hagar and Ishmael away out of jealousy. Muslims consider Abraham the father of Islam through his son Ishmael.Abraham died before any of the promises God made to him came true. A: Abraham came from ancestry that had been God-fearing a couple of centuries earlier but had slipped into idolatry in recent generations. Nimrod, a lead idolater, had brought Abraham's father (Terah) from the Semitic ancestral seat near the conjunction of the Balikh and the Euphrates, and instated him in the royal city of Ur, the center of his (Nimrod's) idolatrous cult. Once he had secured power, Nimrod persecuted any dissenters.As a child, Abraham sensed the falsehood of idolatry; and, unlike others, he took the trouble to investigate the subject thoroughly and concluded that there must be one God. He took the risk of teaching his conclusions and was persecuted but he persevered. The rest of his story is in Genesis ch. 12-25, which recounts how Abraham later merited Divine prophecy and taught his disciples and family in the land of Canaan.A: Abraham (at first "Abram") was born in the Babylonian city of Ur (18th century BCE), where Nimrod the idolatrous tyrant had relocated his (Abraham's) father Terah and given him a position of power in his army. The Kuzari (Rabbi Judah HaLevi, 1075-1141) states that Abraham was gifted with high intelligence; and, as Maimonides (1135-1204) describes, Abraham didn't blindly accept the ubiquitous idolatry which had been foisted upon his countrymen. The whole populace had been duped, but the young Abraham contemplated the matter relentlessly, finally arriving at the conclusion that there is One God and that this should be taught to others as well. This is what is meant by his "calling out in the name of the Lord" (Genesis ch.12). As a young man, he remonstrated with passersby in public, demonstrating to them the falsehood of their idols; and our tradition tells how he was threatened and endangered by Nimrod. Later in life, God said to Abraham in prophecy to move to the Holy Land, which is where Abraham raised his family.He continued his contemplations, eventually arriving at the attitudes and forms of behavior which God later incorporated into the Torah given to Moses. Abraham taught disciples (Talmud, Yoma 28b), gave tithes (Genesis ch.14), strove to raise a family (Genesis ch.15, 17, and 24) which would serve God, made a covenant with God (Genesis ch.15 and 17), welcomed guests into his home (Genesis ch.18) unlike the inhospitable Sodomites (Genesis ch.19), prayed for people (Genesis ch.18), rebuked others when necessary (Genesis ch.20), eulogized and buried the deceased (Genesis ch.23), and fulfilled God's will unquestioningly (Genesis ch.22). He became renowned as a prince of God (Genesis 23:6).It is therefore clear why God expresses His love for Abraham (Isaiah 41:8) and calls Himself the God of Abraham (Genesis 26:24), and says that Abraham obeyed Him fully (Genesis 26:5). And this is why, according to our tradition, Abraham is credited with having founded the religion which became known as Judaism. (However, Abraham and his descendants observed their traditions voluntarily, until the Giving of the Torah to Moses, when God made it obligatory.)

How deep are oil wells in TX?

Oil wells in Texas can range in depth from a few thousand feet to over 10,000 feet deep. The depth of the well depends on the specific geology of the area and the target reservoir for oil extraction. Some wells in Texas can even extend beyond 20,000 feet deep.

How deep are water wells?

Water wells can vary in depth depending on factors such as location, geological conditions, and water table levels. On average, water wells can be anywhere from 100 to 1,000 feet deep. Some wells may be deeper, reaching depths of 1,500 feet or more in certain regions.

Which type of water comes from wells?

Underground or rain water comes from wells. Wells are dug deep down the earth's surface.

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when archane leaves into the deep wells in itatly

Why was Judaism made?

Abraham founded what we call Judaism (Talmud, Yoma 28b). He did so because he saw that his contemporaries were all worshiping idols; and, after deep contemplation he had determined that idolatry is a deviation from the truth. Abraham taught anyone who would listen, and inculcated his teachings among his family (Genesis 18:19). Later, God gave the Torah to Abraham's Israelite descendants. See the attached Related Link at greater length concerning Abraham's repudiation of idolatry.