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I certainly hope this information is wrong but...

It's said the Co-founder of Trinity Broadcasting Network TBN did file for Divorce in 2010. The quote was stated as: Janice Crouch filed for the divorce of her estranged husband Paul Franklin Crouch ...which might explain why Jan lives in Florida. Janice Crouch, Vice-President, currently earns $361,000 from TBN so long as she continues to appear on broadcasts.

Founder Paul Crouch remains living in California. It's claimed Paul Crouch Sr. is not a stranger to the legal system and has been involved in more than one legal settlement. One of which a very popular case --despite everything held in low key:

A 1998 scandal which involved Paul Crouch Founder of TBN in an alleged gay relation. The network, little known outside fundamentalist Christian circles, was buffeted by unwanted publicity when it surfaced from the The Times that Crouch had paid a former employee Enoch Lonnie Ford $425,000 to keep silent about an alleged homosexual tryst. case numbers: 04CC05609, 01CF0559, Solano Courts case number: FCM107776 San Bernardino County: M618996.

This would certainly explain what brought about the 2010 Divorce. Janice and Paul project the image of a happily married couple. But off the air, they lead separate lives and almost never stay under the same roof, sleeping in separate bedrooms according to former TBN employees and others who have spent time with the couple.

(On a personal Note: This such a shame because I thought the world of those folks. Such a tragedy. But when you embezzle money laundering Gods money ...expect this punishment).

Other Information: about TBN ...another Legal case was filed by former head of finance TBN which filed these first set of charges.

Other Headline News:

Paul Crouch Jr. abruptly resigned OCT 10 2011 from Trinity Broadcasting Network to keep his name clear.

Then The Big Headlines hit the Public with this one !

A second legal charge has been filed by TBN's Paul and Jan Crouch's - Granddaughter which is Suing for Unlawful Distribution of 'Charitable Assets'

Posted on February 10, 2012

It appears that Paul and Jan Crouch, founders of TV empire Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) need to keep their friends close, and their enemies even closer - especially if that enemy is one of their grandchildren.

An article in the Christian Post reveals that Brittany B. Koper, granddaughter of Paul and Jan Crouch, is suing her former attorneys for "breach of duties, inflicting emotional distress and professional negligence." Apparently the attorneys advised her to help cover up financial abuse and fraud at TBN.

After Koper took charge of TBN's finance department, she allegedly discovered illegal financial practices on the part of the company's directors, but was told to protect the information.

"Following her appointment, Ms. Koper was specifically instructed to falsify public financial disclosures, to falsify government records, and to otherwise cover up conduct of the TBN Companies and their directors that Ms. Koper reasonably believed to be unlawful," the suit claims.

None of this is surprising, but if the allegations are true, it's going to be hard for a lot of people to turn a deaf ear to someone as close to the family as a grandchild. Many will still defend them and claim this attack is from the devil, however, it doesn't sound like Roper set out on this course empty handed. It appears she has some leverage:

Her attorney, MacLeod, also told the OC Register that Koper is preparing a package of documents regarding her charges that she will submit to the Internal Revenue Service for review.

It looks like she took evidence of the fraud with her when she left. Now, this should get very, very interesting.

Read the full article where the above quotes was taken from the Chri

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