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Jesus would not have to have come to teach us if everything was predestined

Even though God gave us free will, he gave us that to give us the chance to decide whether or not to seek for that relationship with him. The Bible says that the only way to enter into heaven is through the son. How can we enter in to heaven if we don't know him? The bible says to seek him in your closets or quiet places. Just like the first comment, if god decided why would he put us on this earth? The reason is because he wants someone to worship him. Matthew 22:1-3 talks about the wedding Jesus is coming back for. Before you get married you get to know some one. You learn about what they like and dislike and many other things. You don't go into a lifetime relationship and not know the other person. With this free will, God is giving us a chance to get closer to him, get to know him. He wants to answer our needs. God is love. He IS love.... all you need is faith and anything thing can happen. The bible also says that you cant enter into the kingdom except your born again with water and spirit. Acts 2:38 is the scripture many people use. But the bible has many different layers. Please don't read one scripture and believe that's everything. If you take your time and study it out you will find other scriptures that relate, others that may help explain and others that could save your soul. This isn't just a religion that you go to once a week or a few times a year. This isn't something that you just say yea i believe or no i don't. Either you believe everything the bible says or you don't believe any of it.

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Q: How catholic church respond to john Calvin?
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Who is John Calvin what did he do?

John Calvin is a person who went up against the Catholic church .

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There is no pope named John Calvin. He would be considered as a heretic in the catholic Church.

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John Calvin's theories did not affect the Chuch - just as many heretics who preceded him did not affect the Church.

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John Calvin certainly had his problems, but most of them were with civil authorities, in any case, he was never "wanted" by the Catholic Church. See the Catholic Encyclopedia article at the link below for an overview of his story.

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John Calvin. That is why the Presbyterian Church is also known as 'Calvinist.'

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John Calvin and Martin Luther a priest from Germany

How did the principles Calvinism differ from that of the catholic church?

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Both men believed that the Catholic Church should end the sale of indulgences.

Is there a Saint Calvin?

There is no Saint Calvin recognized by the Catholic Church. Calvin is primarily known as John Calvin, a key figure in the Protestant Reformation.

When did John Calvin break with the Catholic Church?

John Calvin, one of the key theologians and philosophers of the Protestant Reformation, broke away from the Catholic Church in 1530. He fled to Switzerland after anti-Protestant uprisings in France. While there, he published his "Institutes of Christian Religion" in 1536.

How did john Calvin want to change the church?

He believed that the Roman Catholic church had strayed away from the teachings of the Scriptures and wanted to bring the church back into line with them.